Chapter Twenty Nine

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Yoongi POV

I fucking hate my birthday. I've never really liked celebrating my birthday but trying to say no to Lolz and Jimin was pretty much pointless. Jimin I could understand; any excuse to drink and wind me up, he took it with too much pleasure. But Lolz was similar to me in the sense that she hated her birthday as well and hated celebrating it even more so. So I was more than surprised when she had been just as adamant as Jimin to throw this get together for me.

To avoid some unnecessary whining from Jimin and an overall pointless conversation, it just seemed easier to entertain them, rather than try and argue. My one condition to completely agreeing to this occasion was if it was made into a joint birthday celebration for both me and Lolly, since her birthday was only a week later than mine. If I was going to suffer then so was she! Plus it meant we could actually celebrate her birthday since we were all unfortunately busy the weekend of hers. She wasn't too happy about me roping her into the centre of attention but agreed to it anyways, just to get me to have the party in the first place.

As the day passed into the late afternoon, I sighed and began my mental preparation for the mayhem that was likely to erupt soon, while attempting to make myself look presentable. It didn't take me that long since I already had an outfit set for the day, thanks to an early gift from Jin.

'I knew you wouldn't bother dressing up, but we've got to give Lolly something to drool over so I took the liberty of dressing you,' he'd said with a wink. I should have known she would at least tell Jin about what had happened between us, but it still caught me by surprised when he had brought it up.

What had she told him exactly? What had she said we were? For that matter, what were we? What was this?

I was preoccupied with these thoughts as I got dressed, the tight black jeans and tailored white shirt fitting surprisingly perfect to my body. The added silver chains and drop chain earrings definitely brought the outfit together, thanks to Taehyung's suggestion. I had been instructed by Jimin to style my hair swept back off of my face, since it was a 'sexy look' on me. Honestly at this point, I think Jin, Tae and Jimin were just using me as their own personal barbie doll to dress up and play with. Whatever, it doesn't hurt me in any way so why not let them have their fun.

They seemed to be under the impression that it would have a positive effect on Lolz, which I was never going to complain about.

Speaking of the guys, their timing seemed to be impeccable, because as soon as I was content with how I looked, there was a knock at my door. Lolly, Taehyung, Jin and Hobi were the first to arrive, each carrying a bottle of alcohol and a boozy treat that had become a tradition for our birthday celebrations.

As I let them in, all that I could think about was how Lolz looked edible.

She had turned up in this emerald green, silk dress that fell softly on all of her curves in the best way possible, accented by her signature deep red lipstick. I was completely mesmerised by the way the material brushed against her thighs whenever she moved, making me badly wish I was feeling them squeezing tight around me.

Would anyone notice if I fucked her on the kitchen counter? Because damn I fucking wanted to. Badly. Now.

Ok no, I need to behave. I'm not some hormonal teenager anymore. She may look good but she's not just here for me to lust over. She's my friend after all, and this party is for her as well, so I needed to be more respectful of her.

While we waited for Jimin to arrive, I tried to distract myself from my wayward thoughts by chatting to the guys, spending the time to catch up on the boring day to day activities we'd all missed out on. With so much going on at work, the only person I'd really been in contact with over the past few weeks was Lolly, and during those times we didn't spend too much of the time talking.

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