24. Can't You See Me?

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"It's been a while, Hongjoong.. wouldn't you say so?" My housekeeper poured blood into my favorite crystal glass. I had this blood imported from overseas, because it's a special occasion. It's not often that I get to spend some time with him.

I observed Hongjoong at the other end of my table, and a few things seemed to have changed since we have last seen each other. He changed his dark brown hair to dirty blond, and he had a new lip piercing. I wonder what has sparked this recent change in him. Maybe, he has found someone special in his life.

"Do you need anything else, Mr. Lee?" My housekeeper asked. She's always so attentive and respectful.

"Nope, I am fine. Thank you, Kee," I nodded.

"Well, I mean, you are the one who decided to kidnap my right-hand man to get details about my coven. You could have come directly to the source," Hongjoong leaned forward against the table and rubbed his chin.

"I thought it would be better to go to your hitman first. Since he always does your dirty work for you. It's been like that since you branched off from being apart of my coven," I took a sip of my drink, because he seems to forget I taught him everything he knows.

"Well, sometimes you have to create your own things. Right? You can't be a follower all of your life," Hongjoong took a swig of his drink and groaned at the taste. He poured the blood on the floor, and reached into his pocket. I watched him pour blood from a flask. "BYOB is always better," he leaned back against his chair.

"You still don't have any manners," I sighed. Hongjoong is still too arrogant and doesn't know anything about respect. I am not going to let him get under my skin.

"I learned from the best. Now, your little coven whore, Fatou, has created a rift between Seonghwa and Mingi. Are you behind this?" Hongjoong asked.

"Coven whore? We don't share her. Why would I be behind what she does? She is a grown woman, and she can do whatever she pleases," I said.

"You were always ethical about glamouring, but instead, you control humans by making them trust you. I prefer to glamour, but hey, we are two different types of leaders, right?"

"I only use it when it's absolutely necessary, and Fatou is like family to me."

"Alright, I will leave it alone."

"So, what is going on? Why are you killing all of these people?" I asked.

"Every death has a reason. If anyone tries anything with my coven, then I end it for them. It's just a normal thing. What's the issue, Joo? I had seen you kill over a hundred men when you were my leader. Are you soft now?" Hongjoong questioned.

"No, I am not soft. I just don't want to draw more attention to us."

"Well, that body found at your club definitely drew attention," he said.

"Did you know anything about her?"

"I didn't. But, I mean you should look into the loners that come to the club. The ones that are into dark shit. I heard some of them get off on killing humans. So, look into them. Especially, Kim Taehyung."

"He's not like that. I have known him for centuries," I said.

"Still so trusting. Don't let it be your downfall," he said.


I couldn't stop smiling after our session at the collar shop. I feel like my relationship with Taemin could possibly go somewhere. As long as he understands that I need my space, sometimes we could actually work. We arrived back at his coven, and he put the key in the door. My mind couldn't help but wonder what I am about to walk into.

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