WonderBoy Prologue

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(Thanks for the cover goes to Arya Linea AKA pen-for-rent, the picture on the cover was made by no1mp3man of deviantart)

I walked along the bustling hallways of my school, my head down as I forced one foot in front of the other, forcing myself not to turn and run. I had much more important things to be dealing with, but I had to keep going to school, if only for my parent's sake. They could never find out. No one could.

My cell buzzed, and I felt an answering buzz from my watch and glanced at it.

'Bomb Threat in Thresher's Jewellers. All Units stand by for further instructions.'

I sighed and pushed the button on my watch that closed the glowing display and once more told me the time. Nine fifteen. I was already late for my first lesson of the week.

I began to run, my scuffed sneakers slapping on the floor of the hallway as I prayed I wouldn't get into too much trouble.

“Late again then, are we?”

I looked up at the dry tone to see Mr. Jeffries, my homeroom teacher. He was nice enough, but didn't seem to like me much, and I could never figure out why.

Ignoring the snickers coming from my fellow classmates, I muttered my apologies and shuffled into my seat, averting my eyes from the grinning meathead who sat by me.

Ryan Mack was fourteen, stupid, slow, and strong. He had it in for me ever since I started school three years ago. Though my life had changed forever a year later, I still couldn't seem to stand up to him; I couldn't. Not without revealing myself to everyone, and that was something I would never do.

I sat and watched the clock, waiting for the moment the bell would ring, signifying for us all to get to our next lesson. Ten minutes later my watch buzzed again, and I sneaked a peek at it.

'Bomb Threat at Thresher's Jeweller's now Level 3 situation. All available units please respond.'

I bit my lip to stop myself from swearing. This was exactly what I didn't need right now, school had just started. Although I wasn't an available unit, I had to respond. I couldn't stand by and do nothing; what if another unit did something wrong and the bomb went off? Okay, it wasn't a Level 4 situation yet, but with it being Level 3, it was already serious.

Bomb Threats came in four levels:

Level 1 was where someone was suspected to have planted a bomb.

Level 2 was when someone was suspected to be carrying a bomb.

Level 3 was when a bomb was actually found and the final level, Level 4 was when a bomb activated and began counting down.

There were other levels of Bomb threats which corresponded to what type of bomb it was, but seeing as how they had yet to provide us with that information, I wasn't really in that much of a rush, more worried than anything.

As the bell went, my watch displayed another message.

'Bomb is type 1.0a. Units respond ASAP.'

As I tore from the classroom I swore to myself. A 1.0a was never a good thing. This meant the bomb was in a suitcase, and packed solid, the slightest movement would blow everything to pieces.

I skidded into the boys toilets and looked around to make sure no one was there. Satisfied I was alone, I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, tapping into my powers. I felt the rush of energy through my veins, feeling the power flowing through me and around me. Grabbing it, I pushed and floated into the air. I pulled it towards me, holding the image of the roof of the jeweller's in my mind and vanished, teleporting to the rooftop of Thresher's jeweller's. I took a deep breath and climbed down the fire escape nearby and walked into the shop, which looked to be completely normal.

My name is Ethan Rayner and I am the youngest ever MI4 agent in history. I am also a psychic superhero.

I am WonderBoy.

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