WonderBoy Chapter Two

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I sat in the classroom at break on my detention, my head in my hands as I looked to the door which was locked. I knew there were a number of ways I could get out of detention, but all would bring about a lot of unwanted questions, so I simply sat where I was, bored out of my mind.

Mr. Jeffries always gave me a detention, and I hated it. I was a damn good student who always handed in my homework on time, so why the hell did he hate me so much? Not for the first time I thought about reading his mind, but I promised myself I wouldn't use my powers on anyone in school. WonderBoy had never been part of my school life, or part of my life in the MI4, and he certainly wasn't going to start being part of them now.

I looked at my watch. Two minutes had passed since I last checked. It felt like two hours. I couldn't even read a book to pass the time, I just had to sit here quietly!

I groaned aloud in frustration at how bored I was, the sound echoing in the empty classroom. I was thankful that Jeffries had gone to the staff room for a cup of tea and his morning biscuit, because if he'd been here, I'd be in trouble for making a noise during detention, which would earn me a lunchtime detention, something I had no wish to repeat since my last disastrous detention, in which I had been forced to eat in the staff room with Jeffries, and my watch had gone off because there was a suspected terrorist in the area and Jeffries had tried confiscating it from me.

All the MI4 watches are made especially for each agent, and only the agent can remove them, so Jeffries had gone purple with anger as he tried yanking my watch off my wrist, but to no avail. Finally, he was forced to leave it and be content with glaring at me as I tried and failed to eat my tuna sandwich in peace. I ended up trashing my lunch and going to pummel the living daylights out of a punchbag when I got home.

I looked at my watch again.

'All agents please respond. Active?'

I sighed and pressed my thumb to the watch face and it beeped as it scanned my thumbprint. Every few hours, MI4 would send t his message to check all the agents were alive and well, and to stop them from sending a ton of agents to your current position, you had to scan one of your fingerprints. I always used my left thumb, seeing as how my watch was on my right wrist.

I remembered the first time I had got the message, and thought you had to respond audibly and told the watch that yes, I was active, but no, I couldn't go on a mission right now, I had maths homework.

The watch had then gone black and a number of agents appeared in my room, brought there by the prototype teleportation device MI4 had been working on. They all held back a laugh when I explained what happened because no one had told me how to use the damn watch. They told me what to do in future and vanished back to MI4. I later found out that the teleportation devices were not going to be used again, after every single one who had come to my aid had had an accident where one of their fingers, or a hand, and in one case, a liver was missing from the agents. I was very thankful that they had never worked out that WonderBoy was actually me, because I didn't think I could take all the tests they would want to do on me so they could replicate my powers into mechanical things like a watch, to make a fully working teleportation device. My powers were my own, and I used them to help people, they were something that were precious to me, and I didn't want anyone else using them. I had to think for a minute – did that make me selfish?

I sighed and looked at my watch as Jeffries walked into the classroom, followed by everyone else, chatting and talking amongst themselves happily.

Jeffries beckoned to someone outside, and everything seemed to melt away as a girl entered the room.

She was gorgeous, her eyes were a bright blue, and her hair was a very pale blonde, almost white. She wasn't a small girl, but she wasn't fat either. She was a little over average height and one look at her and I knew that I had to get to knew her better.

“Class, this is. . Er, what's your name again?” Jeffries said to her.

“My name is Winter Rain.” she said, her voice drifting over me like a gentle breeze. Everything about her was perfect. I didn't know it, but at the time, I was slowly falling in love with Winter, not knowing she was going to change my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2011 ⏰

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