WonderBoy Chapter One

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I walked inside the jewellers. Everything looked normal, but using my powers, I was able to easily see that the cashiers were incredibly nervous behind their bright, cheerful smiles that were plastered across their faces, nervous sweat beading their foreheads, and that a security guard nearby was dying to go for his gun, as his fingers twitched with nerves towards his holster every now and then.

I walked up to the counter and flashed my MI4 badge. The cashier's eyes bugged out of his head as he took in the authentic badge with my photo then took me in.

You're the -”

I held up my hand, quickly silencing him.

“Hi. I'm looking for a necklace for my mum.” I said, remembering the code words for moments like these.

He nodded, sweating nervously.

“Well uh, we have uh, some. . .uh. . .”

“I'm looking for a gold one with red markings.” I said loudly.

He nodded gratefully and led me round the back. Once there I turned to him.

“Where is it? Don't look round, just tell me.”

“It's in the back storeroom, next to our most expensive jewels. It's like the guy knew just where to put it so it'd do the most damage.”

“Okay. Listen to me. I want you to close shop when I go into the back room. The bomb disposal squad will be here soon and I want you stood as far from the shop as they tell you, got it?”

He nodded nervously and left, leaving me to look round the immaculate shop.

Beautiful jewels, rings and necklaces adorned the glass display cases, some of the I would have loved to buy for mum, but knew she would never let me spend such huge amounts on her.

I ran into the back room and look round for the bomb. It was a 1.0a, meaning it was in a suitcase, but there wasn't a suitcase in sight.

I rummaged gently around, finally finding the suitcase hidden behind the power supply to the store. If this thing went, it would take out another four shops in either direction along with it. I didn't have time for the bomb squad to get here, this thing could go off any second, I was going to have to disarm it myself. I scanned it quickly with my powers and found that if you opened the case, the bomb would go off. I had to be incredibly careful here with how I opened it. Using my telekinesis would be dangerous if I simply willed it open, so, being very careful and gentle, I reached inside with my mind and snapped the wires that were holding the straps together. The suitcase opened with a click, revealing the dynamite filled bomb inside. My eyes widened. Whoever did this really wanted to cause some damage. I closed my eyes and reached inside the bomb, its every wire becoming clear to me. Finding the ones I needed to cut, I pulled them out with my mind and felt, rather than heard the bomb stop counting down. Sighing in relief, I stood and teleported back to school as one of the agents ran in, luckily not seeing me. I'd done it just in time.

I walked out of the bathroom and ran back into class as everyone else was finishing up.

“Well, well, Mr. Rayner. You took your time. That'll be a detention, no break for you.”

I groaned as I sat down, my head in my hands. Detention?! I hated this! I go round saving people's lives and I can't tell anyone about it!

I'd tried telling someone before and had to wipe their mind after they tried going to the media with it.

I had no idea that my life was about to change forever.

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