10. Emma's powerful secret weapon

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A/N: A little bit of drama to spice up the story. Don't worry, there won't be much drama. But I'll have to bring out Yibo's strength slowly. Haha.

Right now Suri and I are sitting under the stars right by the water and talking. Actually Zhan and I had wanted to do that, but things turned out differently than we thought.

As soon as lunch was ready, we all gathered around the table. I was able to enjoy Zhan's home-cooked food for the first time. And it was super delicious. And, there was even meat. He said, as he and I prepared the food, "There's even meat today especially for you. We don't want our lion to be hungry." We laughed about it. But I lost my appetite quite quickly.

Because Zhan said to the two girls: "Yibo and I will be out for a few hours later. You guys will have to keep yourselves busy in the meantime." Suri nodded immediately and explained that this was no problem for her. Only Emma looked anything but happy.

It was time for Emma's powerful secret weapon. At first only a few tiny tears rolled and finally a whole flood. She howled loudly and complained that we had only been here one day and she already felt uncomfortable and left out. She whined that she wants to go back home and not be with people who don't want her here.

Zhan immediately softened and left the living room with her to talk "briefly". After more than an hour, the two were still not back. And when they finally did come back, Zhan said to me, "Yibo, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone our plans until later or tomorrow. I want to take Emma for a little ride to help her calm down."

When Suri and I went outside earlier, their "little ride" had been going on for three hours. Half an hour ago, they returned. They went out for ice cream somewhere, as Emma told us happily. I was so angry at that moment. I wanted to smack that stupid grin of hers right off her face.

"Good for you." I said angrily, and then came the next firecracker from Emma.

She clung to Zhan's arm, put her head on his shoulder and said, "Zhan and I are pretty tired from the long drive and are about to go to sleep, so it would be nice if you could keep it quiet so we can sleep." And Zhan said nothing to that!

I grabbed Suri by the hand and said, "Come on, we don't want to disturb our couple while they are sleeping. They are so exhausted from the car ride."

Suri replied, "Car ride? You probably mean they've been doing it with each other. That's why they've been gone so long and are so exhausted."

Suddenly Zhan grumbled, "I sure didn't sleep with Emma, just to be clear. Yes I'm tired, the night was short, the day was long, just like the car ride, and that's why I want to go to sleep. And Emma is tired too."

Suri turned to him and gave him the middle finger, then pulled me outside behind her. Zhan still called out, "Yibo wait a minute." But I just shook my head. This was really too stupid for me.

And when you think it can't get any worse, something happens to prove you wrong.

Suri was slightly cold, because the wind here at the sea is a bit cooler. We sneaked back into the house, we had long since calmed down again, when I saw my suitcase in front of Zhan's and my room door. I was more than confused. Suri then pulled me into her room along with my suitcase and said, "That stupid bitch is sleeping in Zhan's room!"

We crept up to Zhan's room door and listened. We heard the two of them talking, only we couldn't understand what they were talking about. Suri was so angry that she pushed the door open and yelled into the room, "Are you kidding me? Tired and wanting to sleep, my ass! You secretly moved Yibo out without asking him and have your fun while we sit outside on the beach, freezing, to let you sleep in peace. You guys are the very worst! I hate you Zhan!!!"

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