25. the search for hobbies

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I have the cutest, sweetest and craziest fiancé you can ever imagine. Every day he comes up with something new, which always makes our life together an exciting, thrilling and fun adventure.

Recently, he had a sudden inspiration. "Now that you're finally done with college and we're running the photo studio together, we need a balance to our work and something to keep us from getting bored. We need a hobby together!" Was his inspiration.

Well, I had nothing against a common hobby. So we tried out different things that Zhan picked out. We started by going to a pottery class. Mhhh, we went twice. Zhan liked it, but I liked it rather less.

Then he came up with the idea of taking a writing class together. So I thought it was great. But Zhan fell asleep after 20 minutes and then quickly lost interest in it when the instructor gave us homework.

The very next day we tried something new again. This time we went climbing. But Zhan didn't really get along well with the coach. By that I mean, when the trainer put his arms around me to test my safety harness, Zhan freaked out and gave the trainer a good kick in the butt. "You could have told my fiancé to turn around! Why do you have to put your arms around him? Don't you have any respect for other people's property? Yibo is mine, mine alone. And the only one who is allowed to hug him like that is me!" Scolded Zhan. However, he scolded a lot more.

So it was clear that something else was needed again. Well, Zhan decided, let's try diving. But since in this diving course no diving suits are worn, only swimming shorts, Zhan and I were against it. Like I would allow someone else to see my fiancé half naked. Never!

This was followed by biking, we really liked it. We had exercise, were out in the fresh air, and were able to fall asleep really well in the evening. It was really great. Until we woke up the following morning with hellish sore muscles and could barely get out of bed.

Then came the hiking. Zhan bought proper hiking gear especially for us. He woke me up at 04:45 am in the morning and off we went. Into the middle of the mountains with our new hiking equipment. However, none of us had considered that we should have walked in the shoes first. After three hours we had such big painful blisters on our feets that we had to call a cab and couldn't wear shoes for three days.

Next, we went to a reading circle. There we read books and later discussed what we thought of the book. The books were so complicated and boring that Zhan and I did not read any of the 4 books to the end.

We then tried dancing. Something I can do really well and also like to do. Mhhh, Zhan didn't look so good there. I mean, he tried hard, but he seemed really clumsy.

Then came table tennis. Well, everything that has to do with sports is fun for me, so I was really good at it right away. Zhan also enjoyed it. But it wasn't really a hobby.

We also tried bowling, miniature golf, billiards, yoga, cooking, baking, wine testing, geocaching, calligraphy, and learning an instrument. But all that was not for us.

Then Zhan came up with the idea of doing judo. God he was immediately really talented and learned quickly. Unfortunately, I always had to be his training partner and eventually had more bruises on my body than I could count. There was this one grab. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I landed on my back with a splat and could barely move for two days. For the sake of my health, we let it go.

Well, then we found laser tag. Two teams compete against each other with a laser gun. This is really fun. But it's also super expensive and the fun only lasts 15 minutes per game.

Since I was already properly afraid of Zhan's next suggestions, I then also suggested something. Trampolining! And we both liked it. And we liked it so much that we bought a trampoline. We put it in the yard of the apartment building at our house and went there after work and enjoyed it. For about 4 days, then the trampoline was stolen.

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