27. 6 years (last chapter)

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When this started with Zhan and me, I had already been in love with him for six long years. Now, six years later, it is still the same. Then as now, on our third wedding anniversary, I love Zhan more than anything.

I still find it incredible how a single moment had been enough for me to fall madly in love with Zhan. Once I saw his smile and I was irretrievably lost to him.

Since our honeymoon, we have spent each of our wedding days in Alaska. The summers there are just beautiful. And because we love that piece of land where we always are and definitely want to continue to go there at least once a year, we bought the property, along with the cabin and the lake.

And so that our cabin is not only used once a year, we rent it out to vacationers and even earn some money that way. It's not much money, because we have someone locally who takes care of the cabin and the property in our absence. But it's not about money for us anyway.

A lot has happened in the last three years, too. Suri recently became a mother for the second time after she and her husband moved back to Beijing with their daughter. Since they both missed home a lot, her husband has transferred to the company in Beijing. They are now living with Suri's parents, who are lovingly taking care of the two children so that Suri can go to work as well.

My brother and Cheng moved to Taiwan after my brother was offered the position of director at a branch office. The two of them bought a small house there. So while my brother is a director in a big company, Cheng works as a child educator in a kindergarten.

The two of them are planning to adopt a child in the next two years. My parents are very excited about this, even though they won't have much of their future grandchild, since my brother and Cheng don't plan to move back to Beijing and stay in Taiwan.

It didn't last between Emma and her Japanese boyfriend. However, she found another man. A Thai man she moved in with last year. They don't want to get married yet, even if his family would like to, as they have taken Emma very much to their hearts.

But who knows, maybe they will get married soon. After all, Emma is 7 weeks pregnant, as she found out a few days ago. And she also said quite clearly that she does not want a child out of wedlock. So we can expect to fly to Thailand for her wedding soon.

Seungyoun and Wooseok went to South Korea a year ago. They got married in secret. Supposedly, they didn't want to make a big deal out of it. At least that's what Seungyoun told me when I asked him why we weren't invited.

In the meantime, I also know why Suri and Seungyoun fought at that time. Apparently Suri had helped to bring Seungyoun and Wooseok together. She was angry because Seungyoun never thanked her properly and he said that good friends help each other without reciprocation.

It was then Wooseok who mediated between the two and made it clear to Seungyoun that he was in the wrong and should have thanked her long ago. That would not be a reciprocation, but decency and proves gratitude. Seungyoun then thanked Suri and the two talked it out. However, Suri is mad at him again because she was not invited to their wedding either.

Zhan and I have become quite successful and well known as photographers. We even had to get a bigger photo studio. Now we have a photo studio with several rooms and distributed on 2 floors. In addition, we have hired two photographers for the daily business. It's crazy how that could happen in such a short time.

We also bought a big house. But not alone. My parents sold their house and gave the money from the house sale to us. They now live together with my grandparents on the first floor of the house and Zhan and I live upstairs.

My grandparents who are fortunately still alive are happy that they now live with the family and have support and help in everyday life from my mother. My father is still working but will retire in two years at the latest.

How to make him fall for me? [YiZhan FF - RomCom]✔️Where stories live. Discover now