aruging with cody , break up and calling mom

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Savannah pov

I was in the lobby at my art academy witch is in  NYC when I saw my boyfriend Cody storming over to me angrily holding letters that me and my best friend finn hagbart have been sending to eachother

I looked at him and said while standing up up we're did you get those

Cody looks at me angrily while i asked him again and said where did you?

Cody looks at me and says your dorrm room

I looked at him and said you know your not allowed in my dorm room without my permission

Cody yells at me and says like I care I don't ever wanna see or hear your best friends name again Savannah

I walked past him and grabbed the letters from him and walked to my dorm room but not before saying you don't have to because I'm leaving and I'm breaking up with you Cody

Cody looks at me and says fine I was just abut to break up with you

I walked into my dorm room and picked up the phone and called my mom while packing my stuff

I cried while waiting for her to answer

Moms voice hello savannah is everything okay

I cried and said no I'm not OK can you and dad buy me a plane ticket to come home and enroll me in the school mattew and Simon go to

Mom voice of course sweetheart I'm ordering the plane ticket right now and your father is calling the school

I finished packing and smiled and said thanks mom oh and can you pick me up from the airport

Mom voice no problem sweetheart and sure I will bye

I smiled and hung up and said bye

I continued packing while thinking of my family and friends back home and of course my best friend finn i strared to think about the promise we made to each other in thrid grade

Flash back- seven year old savannah pov

I walked up to my best friend and said bulling my brothers again finney?

Finn gives me a look and says one don't ever call me that and two yeah I was your annoying brother Matthew started it

I sighed and sit down while putting ny head on finn shoulder and said of course he did

Finn looks at me and said let's make a promise to each other

I looked at him and said and that is?

Finn looks at me and says no matter whether we're best friends if one of us falls in love with the other we have to make sure that the other likes them back and let's them know that there in love with them

I looked at him and said deal

Finn smiles at me while wrapping his arm around me

Present savannah pov-

I looked at the picture of finn on my dresser and grabbed it and put it in the suitcase and sighed while looking at it and said I'll keep that promise

I hopped onto bed and looked at the ceiling and said I always will. Keep that promise

- the end-to be continued-

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