meeting new friends, finding out why she came back

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Mathew pov

I kept looking at savannah and finn and saw finn grabbing her hand while she was listening to Mrs Honeywell lesson

I turned my head towards them and saw finn playing with savannah hair

Savannah looks at him and says what are you doing

Finn looks at her and says playing with your hair since we only have a few minutes left of class

Savannah looks at finn and smiles and says your just to cute aren't you

Finn looks at her and says only for you sav only for you

Savannah blushes then looks at me and sends me a mind your own business glare

I rolled my eyes and looked at Simon and said what does Savannah see in him

Simon looks at me then at are sister and says uh their best friends and savannah is just getting over a break up

I rolled my eyes and said yeah I know that but still why finn

Simon looks at me and says she's getting over a break up

I looked at him and said yeah whatever

The bell rang and we all got up and headed into the hallway

Savannah pov

I walked into the hallway with finn and his sisters and finn looks at me and says you know

I looked at him and said know what?

Finn looks at me and says I know that your in love with me

I rolled rolled my eyes and shoved him lightly and said yeah sure

Finn smiles at me then walks to are lockers that are next to each other

Simon walks up to me and says why did you come back

I looked at him and said excuse me?

Simon looks at me and says me and Matthew are wondering why you came home so spill

I sighed and said promise me you'll keep this a secret form Mathew and Peter and John or mom got it

Simon looks at me and says yeah I promise

I sighed and said you remember my boyfriend Cody Tillman right?

Simon looks at me and nods his head and says yeah that guy would always pick fights with you

I nodded my head and sighed and looked at Simon and said we'll we broke up

Simon looks at me and says so that's why you came home?

I nodded my head and said yeah that's why

Simon looks at me and says does mom or dad know

I looked at him and said I'm telling mom tomorrow and dad already knows

Simon looks at me then a girl comes over too us and looks at me and says hi I'm Juniper

I nodded my head and said so your the girl Simon and Matt been writing to me about

Simon blushes and says yeah she is

I smiled and said we'll finish this conversation later Simon and nice to meet you Juniper

Juniper smiles and says nice to meet you as well savannah

I smiled and walked off to my next class that I have with finn

The end , to be continued

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