Matthew is the last one to hear why Savannah has panic attacks,John talks with

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Matthew pov

I was sitting on the couch while getting lectured by dad about the fight between me and finn at school yesterday

Mom looks at me and says now do you understand Matthew?

I nodded my head then looked at the both of them and said I have a question

Mom and dad looked at me confused while mom walks over to me and sits down next  and says what is it sweetheart?

I am at her and said why does Savannah have panic attacks?

Mom looks at me and says she used it get them when she was bullied and when she saw someone beat up some some she likes so it was hard for her to watch thats when someone she cares about gets beaten up or hurt

I nodded my head and said I didn't know why did no one tell me

Mom looks at me and says cause we were afraid to tell you because we knew how over protective you are of savannah

I sighed and said yeah

Mom hugs me and says we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner sweetheart

I looked at her and said it's OK mom

Mom and dad smiled at me while walking to the kitchen

I stood up and walked upstairs to my room

Savannah pov
I was in my room sitting on my bed working on a sketch of me and finn in my sketch book then I started to think

Savannah first daydream-
Third person pov
Finn paces while his girlfriend who's his best friend sits on his bed watching him and he looks at her while pacing and says I mean he's the coach and your uncle is the assistant coach

Savannah nods her head at him and says yeah my uncle can be a bit weird sometimes

Finn looks at her and sighs and says and it's like he's forgetting about my mom when she got sick and left us without  him saying goodbye to her

Savannah stands up and walks to him and puts one hand on his hair  while grabbing both his hands with the other  and looks at him and says finn I think you should try to talk with your dad and tell him how you feel

Finn looks at her and says but...

Savannah looks at him and says but nothing look I know this is hard for you and your sisters but talk to him for me please?

Finn sighs and says fine only for you since I love you

Savannah smiles and kisses his cheek and says I love you two handsome

Finn smiles at her and kisses back

End of savannah first daydream-
Savannah pov

John walks into my room and sits down next to me on my bed and looks at me and says I'm sorry

I looked at him and said what about?

John looks at me and says Matthew wanted mine and Peter and Simon help to ruin your friendship with finn

I sighed and siad I know John

John looks at me and says how do you know?

I looked at him and said Peter leaves notes on my bed that tells me everything Matthew been telling you about

John looks at me and says I'm really sorry though savannah

I looked at him and said its okay John i forgive you

John Smiles at me while standing up from my bed and walks out of my room

I shook my head while laughing and looked down at my sketch book while thinking

Savannah second daydream-
Third person pov
Finn kisses savannah while she cups her hands on both his cheek and kisses him and says your gonna do great at basketball practice

Finn kisses her and says you really think so?

Savannah looks at him and says I know it finn you'll do great

Finn looks at her and says how did I get so lucky to have a best friend who's my girlfriend like you

Savannah giggles and kisses him and says I don't know its just luck I guess

Finn smiles and kisses her and says yeah it is and I'm so lucky

Savannah giggles and smiles

Finn smiles at her

End of savannah second daydream-
Finn pov

I was pacing in my room while figuring out how to ask fae for advice on telling savannah how I feel about her then I started to think-

Finn first daydream-
Third person pov
Finn hagbart sits on his bed and grabs his girlfriend who's his best and pulls her onto his lap and looks at her while wrapping his arms around his arms and looks at her and says how about we celebrate of me getting co captain of the basket ball Team?

Savannah looks at him and while putting her arms up and around his neck and says what we're you thinking about doing mr basketball co captain?

Finn looks at her while smirking and kisses her and says you know same fun with did when I came back as a coming home present

Savannah giggles and kisses him and says as you wish mr basketball co captain

Finn kisses her and says I love you

Savannah kisses him back and says I love you two

End of finn first daydream-
Finn pov

I groaned and said ugh why is it so hard to think figure out a way to ask fae for advice but instead I'm thinking about savannah

I sighed then sat on my bed and said come on finn think

Finn second daydream-
Third person pov
Finn looks at savannah while they both are laying down on his bed and says hey savannah

Savannah looks at him and says yeah Finn?

Finn looks at her and says you know how im on the basketball team with your brother

Savannah looks at him and says is this about your dad being the coach or is about how my brother can't stand you

Finn looks at her and says both actually im just saying what if my dad favors your brother over me

Savannah sighs and says finn it's going to be okay you'll always be my favorite because I love you and that what matters

Finn looks at savannah and smiles and says I love you so much

Savannah smiles and says I love you two

End of finn second daydream-
Finn pov

I sighed and said I'm gonna get that advice form fae if it's the last thing I do

I looked at the photo of savannah and smiled at it and said I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna tell her how I feel

The end ,to be continued

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