finn thinks about his feelings, Mathews plan in action

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Savannah pov

I woke up because today was a Saturday and so I decided  to get dressed but I couldn't find  my bracelet and headed downstairs for breakfast and saw my mom and looked at her and said mom i think one of the boys took my bracelet

Mom looks at me then at the stairs and yells BOYS DOWN HERE NOW

I looked towards the stairs and see Matthew, Simon and Peter and John run down and all stand in front of mom

Mom looks at them and says who took your sister's bracelet she's meeting up with finn today and she needs it

Simon hands me my bracelet and looks at mom and says Matthew said if we steal it he gonna put in the fire place

Mom looks at Matthew while holding out her hand and says Matthew bracelet now

Matthew sighs and hands her the bracelet and then she hands it to me and I put it on my wrist and smile

I looked at Matthew and said Matthew i wanna talk to you tomorrow about this whole finn and me being bff thing just you and me

Matthew sighs and nods his head

I smiled then headed upstairs to my room to Finnish getting ready and I walked into my room and looked at my sketch book that had the first sketch I've been working on of me and finn

- Savannah first daydream
Thrid person pov-

Finn tries to kiss savannah but instead kisses her hand and looks at her

Savannah looks at him and says not gonna happen after the fight you and Matthew had at basketball practice

Finn rolls his eyes and says fine

Savannah smirks at him then smiles

End of first daydream-

Savannah pov

I smiled then grabbed my sketch book and headed downstairs and headed into the kitchen and sat down for breakfast while working on my sketch book and started to think about if me and finn will ever have are first kiss together

Savannah second Daydream -
Third person pov

Savannah looks at finn and laughs and says what are you doing

Finn touches her cheek and kisses her this

Savannah kisses him

End of second daydream-
Savannah pov

I ran outside and said goodbye to my mom and brothers then I headed to finn's house and sat down next to him by the lake and said hey

Finn looks at me and says hey

Finn pov

I looked at savannah and said look Savannah I

Savannah looks at me and says yeah

I looked at fae and feeb and they looked at me and mouthed tell her how you feel dummie

I stood up and ran into the house witu fae and feeb following after me and said ill be right back

Savannah nods her head then says okay

Savannah pov

I watched finn run into his house and then I shrugged while grabbing my sketch book and started to work on my sketch of me and finn

Savannah third daydream-
Third person pov
Finn sighs while sitting down at the lunch table that he and his sisters and his best friend who's also his crush sit at and sighs

Savannah Buckley his best friend and former crush and  girlfriend looks at him while sitting on the lunch table and says oh is someone sad that they didn't get basketball captain

Finn rolls his eyes and looks at her and says your stupid brother did not me

Savannah looks at him while smirking and says I know what can make you feel better!

Finn looks at her and says what?

Savannah smirks and kisses finn and says this

Finn kisses her and looks at her and says wanna do that again

Savannah smirks

End of Thrid daydream-

Savannah pov

Finn walks over to me and says savannah I really like you and I know we had a best friend code we made in thrid grade that if one of us admits to the other they like them and that means

I looked at him while standing up and said the other has to think about it and let the one who admitted it know soon or later

Finn nods his head and says yeah so

I nodded my head and said fine tomorrow on the bus deal

Finn nods his head while smiling and says deal

I smiled while walking off towards my house and started to think

Savannah fourth daydream-
Third person pov

Savannah looks at her best friend and boyfriend finn hagbart and says look finn your dad might be right.

Finn looks at her and says oh yeah

Savannah folds her arms and says yeah he has a point and so does my uncle

Finn pulls Savannah onto his lap and says what if I change your mind?

Savannah looks at him and blushes and says finn

End of fourth daydream-

Savannah pov

I walked into the house and walked into the kitchen and sat down and looked at mom and said hey mom

Mom looks at me while feeding and says yeah sweetheart?

I looked at her and said finn just brought up one of are best friend codes of if one of us has a crush on the other and wants to tell them do you think I should.?

Mom looks at me and says follow what your heart is telling you sweetheart

I nodded my head then walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs and started to think

Savannah last daydream-
Third person pov -

Savannah looks at finn and says finn why are you staring at me like that

Finn looks at her and says cause your sexy and beautiful.

Savannah laughs and shakes her head and says what am I gonna do with you hagbart

End of last daydream-

Savannah pov

I walked into Matthew room and looked at him and said hey Matt

Matthew looks at me and says yeah whats up sis?

I looked at him and said tomorrow living room be their and come alone

Mathew nods his head and says will do

I smiled and nodded my head then headed to my room and layed down on my bed while looking at my ceiling and said moms right im gonna follow my heart and tell finn how I feel about him at school on Monday

-to be continued,the end

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