Chapter 14

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Here you go guys! I decided to write this chapter in Louis's point if view.. hope you like it!!! please comment and vote!! TYSM FOR READING!!!

- Louis's POV -

(back to before Abby and Niall went to see Marcel)

"Hey!" Niall shouts suddenly, causing me to jump. "What?" Abby asks him. "I know him!" he says. "He's in our grade, isn't he? He graduated at the top of our class." Abby says. "Yeah! His name's Marcel! He's really nice. Lets go talk to him!" Niall tells her. "Okay!" she agrees, and they walk away without my consent. Oh well. She probably doesn't think about me the way I think about her. She makes it seem like she doesn't love me. I don't know what I do wrong. I it because we just met up again a few weeks ago? Maybe she still just thinks of me as a friend. I always have had a small crush on her though. Even in primary school...

I watch her talking to the boy. She seems happy to be conversing with him. The Abby I remembered was always shy. I guess I need to get to know her again. I sit there watching them, and then another boy walks up to their table. I see the way Abby looks at him. She looks at him like he is something special. I see him sit down next to the other boy, and she starts talking to him. After a few minutes she glances at me. She must have seen my sour face because she stands up and hugs Marcel. The other boy looks at her with a begging look in his eyes and she grabs a napkin and a pen. She's giving him her number, isn't she! She hugs him and starts back to our table.

Ouch. What the fuck is she doing? I thought... But...

"Louis?" she asks me. How can she just act like none if that happened? I ignore her. "Louuuuiiiisssssss!" she says. I roll my eyes at her. "What?" I snap. "What's wrong?" she asks me. "Well, the girl I fell in love with flirts with other boys right in front of me." I tell her. "Get a clue!" is what I really want to scream. "Aw, Louis- those are boys from school.. That I didn't know.. But we're friends now so it's okay." she tells me. I see the food on our table. I didn't even see the waitress drop it off. I look into her eyes and say, "Okay. Can I just eat?" I ask her. She looks hurt when she says "Oh, sorry. Enjoy."

When we are all done eating, my mum insists on paying the bill. We pay and head outside.

I sit in between Niall and Phoebe on the ride home.

This probably shouldn't be a bug deal to me, but I'm still pissed off. She flirted in front of me- and she told me she loved me just the night before...

Love is too damn complicated.

Abby doesn't try and talk to me the whole car ride to her house. I turn to her and try to ask her a question. "So what do you want to do today?" I'm just going to push past this situation.. She looks at me, and smiles. Her eyes are red and her cheeks look flushed. I can tell she's been crying. "Abby?" "You don't have to be nice to me, Louis. I was trying to tease you and I guess it went to far.." Her voice trails off. "Its okay, really." I say. I'm trying to make that the truth, but- "Can we watch a movie when we get home?" She asks me. "You in the mood for the cinema?" I ask her. "It depends on what we're watching." She tells me. "I was thinking of What If- but only if you want to watch it." I tell her. "Romance movie? So cliché." She says. "We don't have to-" "Are you kidding! I love Daniel Radcliffe!" She smiles at me. A true, full of happiness, smile. Her smile is so perfect... Just like her...

"That will be ten pounds, sir." The man behind the counter tells me. I hand him the money, and we walk into the theater. Abby loops her arm through mine, and I feel her lean her head on my shoulder. I can't help but smile. "What theater is it?" She asks me. "Um, 16A." "Oh! Look, it's right here." She tells me. She guides me into the theater, and I see the man holding the door smile at us. "Enjoy the movie!" He tells us.

When we choose our seats, Abby leans her head on my shoulder again, and says "Do you think it's going to be sad?" What? "Why would it be sad?" I ask her. "Well most romance movies have sad parts in them, ya know." "Even real life ones?" She looks up at me. "Yes, even real life ones." The movie starts and she snuggles into me.

During the part when Wallace gets told off for going to Dublin to break up the girl he likes and her boyfriend, and he punches him and then she gets mad at Wallace for doing that, I feel something wet splash on my shoulder, and I hear her sniffle. "Abby?" I say, and she looks up at me, crying. "It's just a movie." I tell her. She smiles a little. "I know, but it's sad." I lean down and push my lips onto hers. Every time I do, I feel this warm sensation inside of me, like butterflies kinda. There's something about her that just makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world to feel this way.

She lets my tongue enter her mouth and eventually she slips hers into mine. With passion we snog continuously, and I swear time has stopped. I hear the characters being all cute and lovey on the screen, and I can feel her smiling through the kiss. I feel her pull away, and see the credits rolling on the screen. Damn- was it really that long? "Apology accepted." I tell her. She laughs and punches me in the arm. "I missed the movie!" She jokes. "Isn't our movie better?" I ask her. "It really is." I hear her phone vibrate from her pocket and she takes it out. "Oooohhhhh! You didn't turn it off!! No phones in the cinema Abby, remember?" I tease her. She blushes and quickly puts away her phone after reading the message. "What?" I ask her. "Nothing." "Who texted you?" "It's not really important, Louis." Um, okay. "It was that curly haired boy, wasn't it?" I ask her. She nods her head shamefully. "Yes." Fuck. "I don't love him, Louis. The only person I love is you." I feel like a giddy girl when she says this. I want to believe her, but...

Okay guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter from Louis' POV. I'm surely going to do another one from his again. I really like writing as him. TYGSM FOR 1.65K READS!! Keep reading:) love y'all xx

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