Chapter 24

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Oh my god. He was fucking kissing her. Kissing her! That fucking skitch (a/n: skitch- skanky bitch) can stop. I'm done with Louis. I need a break.

I get in my car and drive myself to the Tomlinson's house. Johannah always helped me with my shitty feelings when I was a little kid. Plus, the girls are adorable.

I knock on the door, and Jo opens it a few seconds later.

"Abby! Hey!" she says, motioning for me to come in. "How are you?" she asks me. I shake my head and say "Not good. Not good at all." and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. She pulls me I to a hug and sits us down on the couch.

"What's wrong, baby?" she says. God, she really is still my second mum.

"L-Louis was kissing this other girl." I choke. "What? When?" she asks, pulling away. "Uhm, I went to bring him a bagel just like ten minutes ago and he was kissing that one girl named Delia." "Delia Summers? Why is she here?" "Wait-" I say, putting my hand up. "You know who she is?"

She nods.

"Can you explain to me why she was kissing my boyfriend?" I ask.

She shakes her head no.

"Of course you can't. I can't expect you to know everything. I'm sorry - I'm just gonna go." I say and head for the front door. She jumps up and grabs my wrist.

"You can't leave, Abby. I'm not letting you. You're staying for dinner with me and everyone and that's that. Okay?" I sigh. "Okay. But I need to tell Louis that it's over first." I see her face flush. "I still can't believe he'd make a dick move like that." She says. I sigh.

After dinner, Mark offers to let me stay there, and after seeing how happy everyone is there, I accept the offer.

"There's a bedroom down the hall, okay? If you need anything let us know." Jo says to me. I fake a smile and thank her. "Thank you guys so much. I don't think I can stay home by myself just yet.." I say. She hugs me tightly. "I understand. Have a good night of rest, okay?" "Okay. Once again- thank you." She smiles and walks down the hall to her and Mark's room.

I walk into the room and shut the door behind me. I flick on the light switch and freeze. "I'm in Louis's room." I whisper to myself. I shake it off and crawl into the bed, pulling the covers over my body. It doesn't feel right to be sleeping in his room.

I close my eyes and drift off almost immediately..


My eyes burst open, but I remain silent. What was that? It came from in here, I know it. Maybe it's Louis. Or maybe it's Phoebe.

"Get out of the bed." a raspy voice says from my left. I stay still.

"I said- get out of the bed." I feel my hands shaking as I pull the covers off to see a tall, (what I assume is a man) dressed in all black standing in the door. I get up and he pulls a gun out of his pocket. "Don't make a sound or move and I won't have to shoot you." he says.

He steps towards me, the gun still pointed at my head. He grabs my wrist and pulls me down the hall and put the door. I want to scream, but I can't even make the slightest whimper come out of my mouth right now.

There's an all black car parked at the end of the driveway, and he drags me toward it. As much as I want to resist, I know he isn't joking about shooting me. So I stay as calm as possible. Not that I can even be calm at a time like this. "What do you want from me?" I ask. I hear a clicking noise. "I said, don't make a sound." "I was just asking a simple question." "Shut your mouth!" I do what he says, and he shoves me into the backseat of the car. He ties my ankles together, then does the same to my hands. It's pulled too tight, so I make a small yelp when he pulls it even tighter.

sex partners // louisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora