Chapter 45: Lucky Lisa

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Rosé pov

It was the last week of school meaning 2 days are finals basicly all of  last week, now  the team has been fooling around in the gaming room.

"What's the square root of 12"I asked Jackson.

"Um isn't like 6"Jackson guess, we bursted out laughing "Imagine if Jackson actually passes"BamBam cackled.

"What about BamBam"Jackson said switching the attention off of him."Oh you think Bam's gonna make into university he's going back Thailand"Lisa fell off of her chair and is practically dying.

"Speaking of Thailand your dad called"BamBam said walking over to the door closing the blinds to the room and pointing at back at Lisa.

"Jisoo and Rosé most likely going to university"Jimin groaned I smiled where ever Jisoo goes I go no matter what she's my world.

Jungkook entered the room and you could here Lisa yelling saying,"WHY DIDN'T HE COME HERE HIMSELF HE'S SUCH A PUSSY"Jungkook slammed the door shut locking the door.

"What the fuck is happeniing out their"Jimin said,Jackson got up and tried moving Jungkook out the way but he would budge."Bro move"Jackson said in a serious tone Jungkook was holding the side of his face what the heck is happening.

"It isn't safe"Jungkoook revealed his outer eye that was purple, "JISOO ICE PACK"I yelled Jisoo was already by the mini freezer.

Lisa pov 

I rushed out of the school hopped on my bike and drove out of the school park spot at top speed, I never wanna see BamBam's face again you hear me ever.I ran to my bike despite the pain in my rib I would say Im fine.Good thing it was starting to get dark outside  I had something planned.

I parked my bike in an alley way which wouldn't be a good idea but I was well known in this part of the town and I would only be in a store for about 5 minutes.

I walked into a none normal liqour store, "It's you what are you gonna steal this time"the store owner said I walked straight up to him.He started to back away pathetic I also kind of feel bad for the man I mean look at his store bugs are crawling on the walls the isles were trashed with potato chips and strange orange soda.

I grabbed  2  packs of skittles  before walking to the cash register.I wiped my head at the owner who had his hand on his chest and looked shocked I rang the bell once and that got him out of his trance. I slapped down 1000 dollars from my pocket and walked out the store eating the skittles.

Not gonna lie that was cool I didn't even say a word to him now if that would work on BamBam that would be great.I  walked back to my bike where a bunch of guys were.

"Are you the owner of this here cycle"One man said I had my mask on so no one would regonize me which was working."You sure you wanna do this" I walked a little up you know this would be very easy fight if I had my gloves on."Yeah why would we"The guy looked back the other guys behind him laughing.

I shrugged and punched the guy in the face his reaction time was slow and his strength was terrible when he punched me only took 2 punches before he fell on the ground.Eventually he signaled for his guys to help him  which was also mistake.

15 minutes later (still Lisa pov)

I was back on the road at picking p speed, I wonder what went through Bam's mindset as we were talking almost as if he knew I was gonna do all of this.If Jennie found out what Bam's said I would be dead as well.

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