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*Tates POV*
Im in my  fourth period class, the class ive been failing, we have a test and im pretty scared about it. Ive been having alot of stress since my break up, my girlfriend broke up with me cause i told her i was gay and i just wanted to be friends, she ended up getting mad and telling everyone before i completely figured myself out. I have a crush on this guy named Lucas, hes cute and short and i think hes gay but im not very sure. I wanna tell him how i feel but im kinda scared, i know i seem big and tough but in reality im a pussy. I might tell him after cl- "Bell rang, everyone turn in your tests and dismiss" the teacher said. I started having a slight panic attack as i walked up to his desk, "U-uhm" i mumbled out "C-can i have extra time to do it...ive been really stressed and havent been focused" . The teacher nodded and i smiled a little, "Thank you Mr.Lake". I left my test on his desk and left and went to find Lucas, i found him leaning against the bathroom wall. "Hey bro, watcha doin?" I asked and smiled, "Waiting for your dumbass" He chuckled and rolled his eyes as i looked away blushing. "You good Tate?" He asked, i blushed more hearing him say my name and it oddly turned me on. "I-im fine" i replied, he grabbed my chin and made me look down at him, "Whats wro-" he started i cut him off, "I like you!!". I expected him to be disgusted with me so i looked away again, he didnt respond so i got nervous "You hate me now dont you...i get it, its disgusting...bye." I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand and turned me back around, grabbed my face and kissed me. I blushed and kissed back, "I like you too handsome" he slightly whispered. I smiled and picked him up by his waist and pinned him to the wall then kissed him deeply. He wrapped his legs around my  waist and his arms around my neck and kissed back, i pulled away "Wanna skip and go to my house?" i asked looking him in the eyes, he nodded and i put him down and kissed his forehead and walked out of the bathroom with him.

*At Tates House
We sat our stuff down next to the front door and took our shoes off, "Wanna watch a movie cutie?" i asked, he nodded and i smiled and sat on the couch and he sat in my lap and i bit my lip and tried to not think about the stuff i could do to his cute little body but it was to late i got hard and he moaned softly. My eyes widened and i got harder, he started moving his hips and i groaned and grabbed his waist to hold him still. "N-not yet, we need to talk about some things" i said and turned him around in my lap, he nodded and looked down and mumbled "T-theres something i need to tell you.." i tilted my head in confusion "I-im trans...i have a female body but im male.." I smiled and lifted his face so he could look at me, "Thats ok cutie, i have a question tho", "Hm?" he replied, "Will you be my boyfriend?" He smiled big "Yes!!" he screamed, i smiled as well and kissed him and held his waist. After that we started cuddling, i was spooning him while watching "Work It" he started to push his ass against me and i started getting hard again and bit my lip. I grinded forward and he moaned, i smirked and put my hand down the front of his pants and underwear and slightly touched him. "Mm~ youre so wet baby" i said before kissing his neck and leaving a few hickies, he whined as i slowly rubbed his clit. I went faster and his moans got louder, ive wanted to have this moment since i first new i had a crush on him and it was finally happening.  After a little fun we both went to sleep cuddling i smiled before going to sleep because i finally got what i want, him.

Bye bye, hope you enjoyed<3      

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