Locked in the closet on Valentine's day!!~♡

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Hello everyone!!!!! 😀😁
Happy Valentine's day!!!!!!😊
Wish you the best Valentine's day ever!!!🤗

Hope u enjoy your day with a special someone....☺....or with your friends and family!!!!!!😍(By the way I come in the second category😅... Tell me about u too!!! In which category do u come😏) Either way ... Hope u enjoy ur day!!!!!🤗🤩

Sorry this is a little late...😅 Actually I got distracted and started reading other contestshiping stories.... And lost control😅 forgive me please (OvO).......


*May, Drew, Dawn, Paul, Ash, Misty, Leaf and Gary are sitting in the room together and sheller arrives*

Sheller: Hey guys!!!🤗

Everyone: Hey!!☺(Ignore the fact that even Paul said hi😅)

Seller: So..~ .... 😏DO U GUYS KNOW WHAT DAY IS TODAY?!!!!!🤩

Ash: .... Sunday?😐

Sheller: *facepalm*🤦‍♀️ Seriously???🤷‍♀️

Misty: Today is VALENTINE'S DAY ASHH!!!!😠

Ash: Oh..!😐😶

Misty: *sigh*😞

Sheller: 😅...um.... so.... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!🤗🤗🤗

Drew: 😏 Your saying like u already have someone to spend the day with🙄..

Sheller: You guessed it right😌

Drew: Wait what?😶 for real??!😯

Sheller: Yes for real! I'm spending it with my sister😌☺

Drew: Oh😯😅

Sheller: Don't act like that Mr. OVER CONFIDENT 🙄, you also don't have it to spend with ur 'someone special certain brunette'😑 u coward!😐

Drew: Hey!!!😠

May: Calm down drew😟..

*Drew immediately calm downed😏*

Sheller: Whatever😑... so where was I?!😶... oh yeah!!.😆... As today is VALENTINE'S day.☺... I have chocolates for everyone!!!!!!! 🤗🤩

*Gives chocolates to Everyone... To Girls except May gives 2 chocolates and to Boys and May gives only 1 chocolate*😁😁

Ash: Hey!! This is unfair!!😦

Gary: It's definitely is!🙁

Leaf: Stop it Gary!!😠

Gary: But leafy!!😨! Say something Paul!!!😰*Paul didn't said a word*......Drew?!!😭

Drew: I can't say anything cuz May also got only 1 chocolate...😑

But don't be sad😊 for other... I have mentioned them in the story😁 and ofcourse it is a Contestshiping story😁😁😁😁~

Gary: Wait.. what story?😶

Drew: Don't u know she write stories??!!!😶

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