Life is good (For now...)

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Timestamp- Raquelle is 13 years old, it's September

"Raquelle, Good morning hon.". She had woken up to the smell of fresh breakfast and her dad gently nudging her awake, his voice was soft but raspy. "Morning, Papa.". She smiled as she sat up and wrapped her arms around her dad, hugging him tightly. The natural light shone through her window as she rubbed her eyes, adjusting her flowy black nightgown as she stood up, walking to the kitchen. Her dad followed her out and they sat at the table, which had been set with 2 cheese omelets as well as Coffee and Orange Juice for both of them. They munched on their food and chatted "How's my kiddo today?". Robin smiled softly as he spoke, Raquelle smiled back. "I'm wonderful. Probably going out later if that's okay.". Robin nodded "okay, just stay safe.". Raquelle whined, "papaaa, stopp! I'll be fine, I promise.". She hid her face behind her hair. He laughed a little in his daughter's embarrassment "I know you will, hon. I'll be off to work now. Kisses!". He gave Raquelle a little hug and kiss on the head as he picked up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, grabbing his keys before heading off, leaving Raquelle in the apartment. Now alone, she decided to take a bath and get ready for her day, It was a Saturday and she had nowhere to be anytime soon, except maybe a run to the coffee shop later. She didn't have many friends yet, seeing as she'd just moved to New York with her father after her parent's divorce, and school wouldn't start for a few more days. After bathing, she put on some fresh clothes. An oversized My Chemical Romance tee shirt and some black athletic shorts, as well as her favorite destroyed black tennis shoes. She meticulously applied makeup- mascara and some dark red lipstick, making her lips into a little "what do you want?". Her expression was blank and her voice monotone. Raquelle straightened her posture and made her order " 1 small mango smoothie, please. And can I also get one of those cookies?". She pointed to the sugar cookies in the bakery case. She hung around the apartment for an hour or so before heading out to a small coffee shop in the heart of the city.

Arriving at the Coffee shop, it was bustling with people and the line was nearly out the door- but she decided to stay and wait since she didn't have anywhere else to be. She waited in line, scrolling through Instagram and double-checking her small black purse for her money about every 5 seconds. It finally got to be her turn and the barista was unenthused to be doing her joome sugar sprinkles of varying colors. The woman sighed. "Yep. that'll be $8". Raquelle smiled and handed over a 10 dollar bill, telling the Barista to keep the change before wandering over to the other counter to wait for her order. On her way, she nearly ran into a very tall girl who appeared to be about her age- "oh! Sorry! Didn't see you there!". She smiled apologetically. The tall girl replied, "no problem babes. I'm August, by the way, you?". The Girl had an heir of coolness about her, and the smell of Marijuana filled the space when she spoke. Raquelle Replied, a bit intrigued about this girl. "oh, I'm Raquelle. Good to meet you August.". She offered her hand for a handshake, and August simply High fived her. Then the Barista called Raquelle's order, August had been sipping on something in a hot drink cup as they talked. "Whaddaya say we take this elsewhere? I'd love to get to know you better.". Raquelle shrugged "can we... stay here? Nothing against you, it's just that I just met you and I'm new in town and my father would be disappointed if I just ran off with the first person I met!". She nervously laughed. August only nodded in response and silently led her to a table outside. "What brings a pretty thing like you here?". Raquelle Didn't know how to reply to that one "Oh, uh, my father and I just moved here for his work. He's working on opening a store for holistic medicines.". August smirked, "like, weed?". Raquelle blushed "oh no, god no! We don't do that stuff. More like essential oils and incense and such.". August nodded; "yeah, that's cool.". That's when her phone rang, cutting into their conversation. "Shit. Gotta take this.". She stepped away from the table to take the call, but not before slipping her a piece of paper that read- xxx-xxxx August Winchester <3. 

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