(TW- the aftermath of sexual assault, Drug use)

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Raquelle shimmied out from under Chris' covers as he rolled over restlessly in bed. She managed to slip out unnoticed, heading back to her bedroom, burying her face in her pillow.


She was raped..... That's what just happened

She didn't know what to do, she checked her phone for the time

3:15 am. Nobody would be awake that she knew but August. She needed to call her.

She dialed the phone number, it only rang twice before August's familiar voice. "Hey Cherry Bomb, everything okay?". Raquelle's voice shook as she spoke "Uh- Chris- He". His words rang in her ears

"Can you make your elbows touch?"

"Cherry Bomb, Daisy, Rollercoaster Baby, What's wrong? What did Chris do?". She bombards Raquelle with questions.

"He wouldn't stop grabbing me inappropriately and talking about me making all these comments about how I'm so mature for my age, I feel icky ...."

"Oh. oh shit. Wanna come over? I know something that'll make you feel better.".

"Yeah... be there in 10.". She hung up, pulling on some different clothes, covering herself wrist to ankle with a large black hoodie and pajama pants, as well as black combat boots. She slipped out her bedroom window, hopping the next subway uptown.

Once she arrived at the Winchester's apartment, she quickly let herself in with her key. August was sitting on the couch, snacks laid out on the coffee table, as well as a few other things. A bong and a 6 pack of beer. "Ooh, we're drinking and getting high?" Raquelle smiled over at her friend. "You need it right now, I can tell. Distractions are key when you're dealing with shit.".

The girls got through the 6 pack fairly quickly, as well as around a ½ gram of weed each before passing out on the couch. 

2nd gen bmc- Roxy's backstoryWhere stories live. Discover now