(TW- Death talk)

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October 1st, 2017

Raquelle walked into school, headphones on, she wore a black and white striped dress with a black long sleeve underneath it, black tights, black doc martens, and glamorous makeup. Her hair was straightened and mostly covered by a white beanie. She had 2 bright pink streaks in the back that August had helped her dye. August also often dragged her along to house parties on Friday nights, although she'd learned to love it. Dancing and drinking and just letting loose. That's what August had taught her, relax. Have fun. Just... Relax. Yeah. She could do that.

Soon enough It was lunch hour, Raquelle was meeting up with her newfound friend group, kindly dubbed The misfit squad by the rest of the school. She was gossiping with Chaos and August all hour until her phone vibrated in her bag. She was quick to answer, although she didn't recognize the number.

"Is this Raquelle?" a woman with a soft voice was on the other line

"This is she. How can I help you?". Raquelle's voice was raspy, she'd been out all of the night previous, Making sure Chaos and August didn't do too many stupid things without her.

"This is Nurse Andersen from New York Presbyterian Hospital. Your Father, Robin was admitted with us today. He was shot twice in the stomach. He didn't make it. Your stepfather and mom will be at the school to collect you soon".

Raquelle's breath hitched "I- are you joking? Cos this isn't funny.". She snapped. She'd never been snarky to an adult before this moment. Her peers sure, albeit she hated most of them, but never someone older than her.

The nurse on the other line sighed. "No, I'm afraid this isn't a joke. He's in critical condition.".

Raquelle said nothing, hanging up the phone and gathering her things before walking away from the table, going to the front office. She hadn't seen her mother in 6 months, and she had no clue about this stepdad until about 5 minutes ago.

Once in the office of the school, her mother was waiting for her "Raquelle... I'm so sorry to hear about your father.". Faith's face was cold and calculated, she didn't show many emotions other than disappointment and rage. Raquelle wanted to hug her mother but knew she would only be shoved off. Instead, she looked down at the ground, clutching the straps of her backpack- "C-Can we go home now?". Her mother nodded, and they went back to Faith and Patricks' house. 

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