(TW: Suicide/ death)

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Timeskip to around 1.5 weeks later

Raquelle was panicked, looking around the bustling party for August, it had been several hours since they touched base seeing as she'd been chatting up this guy and August had slipped away with her girlfriend. Finally, someone informed her she'd gone up to the roof. Raquelle sprinted to the roof of the house, where she found a very disheveled August, quietly sobbing into herself. "Auggie? What happened?". August jumped at the call of her name, quickly wiping her eyes before looking over at Raquelle ''Trina, she broke up with me. Told me I wasn't enough for her. That I should just kill myself because I am nothing and deserve nothing. And she's right. It's just all this superficial bullshit, all the parties and drinking and- I can't take it anymore.''. Raquelle's eyes welled with tears as she sat next to August. Not saying anything, instead just placing an arm around her friend comfortingly although that was quickly wriggled out of.

August scooted toward the edge of the roof, looking down at the city from the high skyscraper. "There's nothing left in this world for me.". Raquelle began to sob softly, murmuring a quiet "Peaches, no.". August looked at her helplessly "Rock on babe.". August jumped with no hesitation after saying that. Raquelle's breath hitched. She softly sobbed to herself, sitting down in the exact spot she'd just watched August jump from.


Her distraction, her best friend gone forever.

All she could do was cry.

She ran home, hopping the first subway across town. August was the only thing keeping her there, and now she was dead. She was angry, why did bad things only seem to happen to her?

Once Raquelle arrived home, she softly let herself into their decrepit apartment on the bad end of the city and was greeted by Chris. "Where have you been all night, sweetheart? I was worried sick.". Raquelle sighed. "Out.". She was so done putting up with her stepbrother's shit, it had been so long of the constant manipulation and abuse she was at a breaking point. Chris walked over, wrapping his arms around Raquelle's waist. "come to my room with me?". Raquelle elbowed him in the gut for that one. "GET OFF ME, PERVERT!" she hadn't realized she yelled until her stepdad roused from his bedroom. "Raquelle! Don't say that about your brother!". He spoke and his voice boomed throughout the apartment. Raquelle flinched, but her face soon hardened again as she mumbled "Your son is a pervert though, He raped me.". Patrick was fuming now, "Slut!" he began to walk towards Raquelle, hand raised and ready to slap her. She whimpered, "Please don't hurt me.". Her eyes began to well with tears. Chris had let go of Raquelle and was now sitting on the nearby couch, looking as innocent as can be- although he was silently cheering on his dad. Soon a slap was laid across Raquelle's face, she didn't make any sound, rather sliding down the wall, hugging her knees "I'm sorry.". Patrick looked down at her, sadistic grin on his face "Good Girl.... Now, don't you ever lie to my face again- my son wouldn't hurt a fly and we both know it." Then he walked off- leaving Raquelle curled up on the floor. Her hair was a mess and mascara ran down her cheeks. She'd reached a breaking point, she couldn't handle the abuse at the hands of her "family" anymore. She knew nobody that mattered would miss her. Her only friend was dead, and the only parent that cared was too. She wiped her tears, heading to her bedroom and beginning to research.

[Greyhound Buses]

[How to live homeless]

[Resources for homeless teens]

[1-800- RUNAWAY hotline]

Tomorrow morning, she was out of here. Raquelle Jacobs was on the run, no more creepy stepbrother and no more shitty parents. No parents at all. She would rather be homeless and starving than be at "home" anymore. This place wasn't at home.  

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