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Ignore the mistakes


Jeongguk has been doing this for three days. Practicing to steady his heartbeat everytime he thinks about Taehyung.

And he honestly feels like he's mastered it.

They were in the room Taehyung was last in, Jin telling him to steady his heartbeat there for one last practice.

He does it, his heart calming down while he thinks about his baby's beautiful boxy smile.

His anger diminishing little by little. Taehyung would be so proud of him right now.

Jin smiles behind him with his arms crossed, proud of the demon king that was known to have a rage that could tore and destroy.

"You ready?" Jin asked, walking in front of the king. Jeongguk nodded, eyes still closed and prepared.

Jin said some non familiar words, words Jeongguk had never heard of even when he's been living for a very long time.

He could feel strong energy around him, a force pulling him to feel his lover that was far away from him.

He didn't like how far apart they were. It pissed him off. But he had to stay calm or the wave would waver.

A minute later, Jin stopped, tapping Jeongguk's shoulder slightly. Jeongguk felt Taehyung so much, he actually thought his lover was close to him.

He opened his eyes to see foot steps, a trail that looks like is so ever ending.

Just from a single trail, Jeongguk feels like Taehyung was by his side, head on his shoulder.

"It'll be here for a day so we might need to hurry." Jin says, moving his hair out his eyes.

"I'll get the others to get ready. We're leaving right now."

A few days without Taehyung and their unborn child was hell. But now, it's time to get them back.

Manifesting a Di-ease performance in the future 😌

Close ━ in a position so as to be very near to someone or something; with very little space between.

The Demon's Queen | Taegguk Where stories live. Discover now