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Alright so I've never been to playlist before so I'm just making this up as I go. Sorry if it's totally different.


Did you ever contemplate when all was lost you hesitate
And nothing seems the same?
Have you ever hid your face, in such disgrace, decisions made,
A picture with no frame?
Can you hold on one more day?
Say you're okay,
I'm afraid that tomorrow is just too far away.
Fight the pain,
It just feels like forever is crashing down on me
Down on me, me, me.

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring Feels Like Forever by Of Mice & Men. I sat up and walked over to my desk to turn it off. I always put my alarm far from my bed so I have to get up and turn it off.
I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top I threw it on and grabbed a blue, black, and white flannel that David left here. My phone buzzed and I checked to see I had a text from Crawford.


'Open the dooooor '

I went downstairs and opened the front door to see a group of tired guys standing there. After all it is 3am. Chris suggested that we take a really early flight because they're cheaper and there's less people.

"Hey. are you ready?" Chris asked as they walked in.

"Yea let me just put my shoes on. " I sat down on the couch putting on my black and white high top converse. "Hey could you grab my suitcase from my room please Josh?" I asked.
He nodded and went to get it. I grabbed my duffel bag and stood up.

"Ok" I yawned. Josh came down with my stuff and I thanked him.

"Alright let's go" They walked out to David's moms Tahoe. I followed after locking the door to my house.

"Hi Mirabella" David's mom greeted me.

"Heey mama Alvareeezy" she laughed at my name for her. I call her that as a play off of David's YouTube name. She drove us to the airport and we said our goodbyes before boarding the plane.
The first hour was filled with us joking around, making snapchats and tweeting then one by one we each fell asleep. From LA to Orlando is a four and a half hour flight so we might as well sleep.

-3 hours later-

I woke up and looked at the time on my phone. We're about half an hour from landing. Or we should be at least. I played on my phone for a few minutes but I got bored so I nudged Crawford to wake him up. He was sitting in the middle seat and I was next to the window.

"Crawfordddd wake uppp I'm bored." he mumbled something before actually opening his eyes.
We talked about random things until the pilot announced that we would be landing in a few minutes. We woke up the other guys and by the time we landed they were all fully awake.
We were waiting at baggage claim when David turned to me.

"Hey is that my flannel?" He points at the flannel I was wearing.

"You're barely noticing it?" I laughed.

Our bags came and we went outside and got into a cab. When we arrived at the hotel, we went straight to our rooms. David and Josh were sharing a room and Chris and Crawford were sharing one. I got lucky because I'm the only girl and I got my own room.
I was planning on taking a nap but it's already afternoon here so I decided not to. I freshened up in the bathroom before lying on my bed. Once I was comfortable I realized I was hungry. ugh. I texted David.

'Daviiiiiid I'm hungryyyy 😩''

He replied seconds later.

'Us too. Come to our room in like 5 minutes so we could go get some food'

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