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After we finished eating I went to the bathroom to change into something more comfortable and take off my makeup. I put on grey pajama shorts, a black loose pullover, and some long socks. I walked back into my be room and joined the guys as they put on the next movie. We were sitting there for a a few seconds when someone knocked on the door.

"I got it!" Chris yelled before jumping up and running to the door.

"Um who's that?" I asked nobody in particular. Everyone shrugged and Chris walked back followed by four guys.

Jack Gilinsky walks in. 'Oh...'

Next is Jack Johnson. 'My...'

Then comes Sammy. 'God'

And then he walks in. Nate Maloley. "Fuck me I look like shit"

I come back to life realizing that everyone's looking at me.

"Uh did I just say that out loud?" I wonder.

"Yup" Chris says giggling. I give him a death glare before covering my face with a blanket and letting out a weird sounding groan. I hear laughter and uncover my face. I nervously comb my hair over to one side with my hand.

"Jack texted me that they were bored and I told them we were hanging out here & they could come if they wanted" he said gesturing towards Jack Gilinsky.

"I hope that's ok" Jack followed.

"Yeah it's fine. I just wish someone told me before i took off my make up and made myself look like shit" I laughed.

"Oh you look perfectly fine" he reassured me.

"Gorgeous" Johnson chimed in.

"Ok don't lie" I playfully rolled my eyes. "Find a spot and make yourselves comfortable"

Jack and Jack took spots on the bed, Sammy sat on a chair next to the bed with his feet propped up on it, and Nate occupied the empty spot right next to me. We were sitting with our backs against the end of the bed and I had my legs crossed while he had his knees up against his chest.

By now the movie was playing but no one was really paying attention to it. Everyone was debating on who was a better rapper, Iggy Azalea or Nicki Minaj. I honestly couldn't care less. I was quietly scrolling through Instagram while they were arguing.

"Mira. What's your opinion?" Sammy asked out of nowhere.

"My opinion?" David laughed knowing what I was about to say. "My opinion is that they both suck. "

"WHAT?!" He and Jack Johnson yelled at the same time while Gilinsky and Nate looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"Mira isn't really into rap." Josh informed them. I nodded and went back to my phone. I started playing subway surfers.

"Hey" Nate whispered nudging me.

"Dude you just made me get hit by a train." I said completely serious looking at him. He just lets out a low chuckle.

"Let's go out tomorrow"

"Out?" I looked at him questioningly.

"Yeah. After playlist. Just us. "

"Like on a date?" He nodded and I started blushing.

"Ok" I smiled.

"Cool. can I see your phone?" I handed him my phone and he gave it back a few seconds later. "We didn't exchange numbers earlier."

"Ohhhh" he smiled. Man it's like I'm addicted to his smile already. It's so cute.

We talked by ourselves for a while about random things. He mentioned how he's been working on some new music and he's really excited about releasing it. He asked me if I liked his music and I considered lying and saying yes but I realized that would be stupid so I was honest. I told him I had only heard him in Like That.

"Whaaat." That was his reaction. I laughed.

"I'm sorry I just never really got around to checking you out" I said. "You music I mean" I added. He laughed and I started to laugh along with him.

"Aye let's put some music on" I looked up to see who said that. It was Jack J. I stopped the movie since we weren't watching it anyways.

"What do you guys wanna hear?" I asked.

"Oh I got something!" Nate yelled. I moved to the side and he took over the computer. After a few seconds of quick typing and a couple clicks, something started playing.

"What the fuck is this?" Josh laughed. It was currently playing an old recording of Martin Luther King's famous speech.

"Just wait for it" Nate held his hand up and that's when music started playing and someone started rapping.

"Ayyyy" Sammy said raising his arms with a huge grin on his face.

'Now listen to em sing
I try to tell you what I mean
Like Martin Luther King
Everybody's got a dream'

"Aye this is dope." David said bobbing his head.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Young Skate" Gilinsky yelled. I turned to Nate who had a goofy grin on his face.

"This is you?" I laughed. "You're pretty good" I added smiling.

"Thank you thank you" he pretended to bow and then started rapping along with his own lyrics. I giggled and everyone was all into the song by now.
The night went on and it was pretty cool. The Omaha guys were all chill and fun. It was nice getting to hangout with them. They left my room around 1am and the other guys left a little after that. I went to sleep feeling amazing. I was beyond excited for the next day but it was mainly about the date. It's going to be great, I already know it.

Ok I know that was horrible and short but yeah, I have some ideas for this story that I hope you'll love. so if you're reading this, please vote & comment💕

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