Chapter Two - Sugar

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 Kaminari flopped into his bed in a freshly changed set of clothes, a groan leaving his lips as he did. Tonight was weird, especially with that alpha kissing him before he had left. Hitoshi Shinsou, he'd google him later for sure. However, as of right now, all Kaminari wanted to do was sleep. His eyes grew heavy and they slipped shut as he wrapped around one of his many pillows, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he drifted off into dreamland.

He had gotten shorter, far shorter than he normally is. He was also outside, in the park that was nearby and it was the middle of the night it seemed. He only guessed because the moon was in the sky directly above him. Kaminari raised his head and sniffed the air, everything so much stronger than what they should have been with his normal nose. Looking down Kaminari jumped back seeing a set of blonde paws under him. He looked behind him and saw a blonde body with a matching tail that had a black tip. He was a wolf! A small one at that, it was weird. Either way he caught this delicious smell, it was like a combination of coffee and lavender, it somehow worked. Kaminari began following the scent, sniffing the ground as he went. As he came upon a small coffee shop, Kaminari looked up to find indigo eyes staring back at him. They were so pretty as they widened. The man who owned them stood and rushed outside, leaving his coffee and newspaper behind.

"Omega! You need to go home little omega!" The man hissed, trying to pick the wolf up. Kaminari bared his teeth and nipped at the man's hands, causing him to pull back and let out a disgruntled sigh. "Omega, you need to return home and shift back, go on. Go find your mate." He spoke. Kaminari looked up and sat down, looking up at the male with a wolfie grin. Shinsou sighed and rubbed his face. "Fine, get caught by the pound for the night." He grumbled. This caught Kaminari's attention and he immediately bolted from the area and back to the dorms. Of course this still had to be a dream, it was the only explanation right? Apparently not because when he got back the entire dorm house was up with flashlights and looking for him.

"Oh my god Kaminari! Guys! I found him!" Uraraka called, Tsu on her heels. Everyone else came running over to see the blonde wolf with a black tipped tail, ears, and nose was trotting up. His tongue fell from his mouth and he flopped onto the ground, rolling onto his back for belly rubs. The brunette sighed before kneeling and rubbing the omega's belly. Soon everyone was gathered around him, all of them asking or wondering the same question. Who the hell was Denki's mate?

The next day Kaminari woke up with a migraine. A low groan fell from his lips as he rolled over and nuzzled into his pillow. He needed to find a job and soon or else he won't be able to afford going to school anymore. The blonde finally rolled out of bed, his body aching as he walked into the on-suite bathroom and starting the shower. All he could remember from his wacky dream was indigo eyes and Uraraka giving him belly rubs. Because there was no way that could have been real. After the quick shower, Kaminari got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeved black shirt before he made his way downstairs where it smelt of waffles and coffee. Coffee and Lavender.

Kaminari shook his head at the thought and walked into the kitchen to find Bakugou and Kirishima cooking breakfast, every once in a while pushing the other around before gently kissing the other. Kaminari smiled at how sweet they were to each other before he grabbed his plate and went into the living room before sitting on the couch next to Momo who had a sleepy Jiro in her lap. Mina was curled up on her other side, snoring happily. Kaminari smiled and leaned back, thinking. This was his family, not those brats who kept threatening his money. He would finally pull away after years of torment. Yeah, that was the plan. After he figured out what he was gonna do with his current situation of course. A sigh escaped his lips and Momo seemed to catch it as she looked over at the smaller male.

"What is it Kaminari, is something bothering you?" She asked softly, as to not wake the two girls cuddled up to her. The blonde shrugged.

"Yeah but I don't know what to do. My parents are taking away my funds for university and I don't even have a job." He whined softly. Momo nodded but then she got an idea.

"Why not apply for a sugar daddy?" She asked. Kaminari looked at her so fast he thought he may have broken his neck for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I think I heard you wrong. Did you just tell me to get a sugar daddy?" He asked, his eyes wide with shock that something so wrong would come from her of all people. Kaminari could understand Bakugou telling him to get a sugar daddy but not Momo.

"You heard me right Kaminari. There's this app called Sugar, it's free and will connect you to the best possible sugar daddy for your type." She hummed. Kaminari slowly nodded before he finished his food and went to the kitchen, setting the dish in the sink before heading upstairs to get his phone.

He looked up the app, downloaded it, and waited. His nerves were shot a little. A sugar daddy, it still baffled him. But was he really going to do this? Was he really gonna try and find a suitable sugar daddy? Yes. Was he gonna regret it? Probably. That didn't seem to stop or phase him any.

As he opened the app he quickly made an account, answering all the side questions as he went. What was his sexuality? Bisexual. Was he new or experienced? New obviously. What kind of sugar baby was he; Cash Only, Spoil Only, Friend and Protege, or Marry Me. Kaminari whined and started looking up what each one meant. So cash only meant that Kaminari would only be in it for the money, which now that he was thinking about it he would definitely want more than just cash. Spoil only said it all in the name. Spoil only meant you had all of your expenses paid for and already living comfortably, which obviously wasn't what was going on with the broke blonde. Friend and protege basically said that he was looking to use the sugar daddy's connections and skills to further his own career. Kaminari didn't have a career yet. He was only in his second year of college! Moving on, Marry me said it all in the name. It probably fit Denki the most as well, he was looking for not just the money but a possible loving relationship.

He sighed and finally clicked 'Marry Me' before moving on to creating the rest of his profile. How tall was he? Five foot six. What color were his eyes? Gold. What were his genders? Male Omega. Did he have dyed hair? Technically yes. Once he was finished with that he began to write out his bio before adding a few pictures of himself before posting his profile. Kaminari flopped back onto his bed and sighed. This would be quite the journey on Sugar. It took maybe ten minutes before his phone dinged for the first time since he joined the stupid app. It looked like a greasy old man if he was being honest. He ignored the message and the next fifteen that began to come through from others.

Maybe this wasn't the right decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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