excerpt | tied up

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Exhaling loudly, Adora flung her body forward. The rope in her hand burned as it slide across her palm, the rope dart flying through the air. The blade whistled as it flew towards its target, a blue vase. Striking it in the dead center, Adora observed with satisfaction as it shattered to pieces. With a flick of her wrist, the Princess reeled it back towards her. It fell at her feet with a quiet clink.

Then the process was repeated. Adora wound up momentum before launching it forward. This time she added more movement to it, dancing around her invisible enemies all while keeping her eyes on the target. This time, it was a pink tea cup. Its edges were gold but the light-colored paint was starting to chip away. It was too old for the King's taste and become one of Adora's hardest targets. Its small size proved to be a great challenge, especially when Adora started to move with the dart. It was all about timing and accuracy.

She inhaled sharply, twirling on her feet before striking. Striking like a viper, she exhaled, dart flying. But to her dismay, it missed the tea cup by an inch. It whistled past, plunging into the paper curtains behind it.

"Two months in and you've already forgotten my golden rule." She heard the sweet voice of the Zylan Prince behind her, a shiver creeping down her spine. Whirling around on her feet, Adora came face to face with the Zylan monarch. Feeling his hot breath against her neck, Adora blinked at the proximity of his bare chest.

He was dressed only in red and black satin shorts that loosely hung at his hips. The golden drawstring peeked out of the hem of his shorts, disappearing into them just like his tattoos. Small droplets of sweat dripped down his tone stomach and chest, following the path of red tattoos. He smelled like sweat and blood, no doubt stemming from the hours he spent sparring with his soldiers.

"Don't make me remind you," He whispered under his breath, his thumb coming to swipe a bead of sweat off of Adora's cheek. Her hair was damp with sweat and stuck to her forehead, unlike the Prince's wild strands. Adora gulped down the knot in her throat, feeling the heat rise on her cheeks.

"I was distracted," Adora said, clearing her throat. She ducked her head, turning to tug her dart back to her. With one fluid motion, it whistled back, the blue tassels glinting in the light. The Princess rotated her wrists, hoping to catch it in her hands but the Prince beat her to it. Clasping the blade in his hands, he quickly wrapped it around Adora's wrists.

Before Adora could react, he jerked his wrist, pulling Adora towards him. The rope tied around her wrists became her worst enemy as she was pulled into his muscled chest, her nose brushing against his pectorals. The Prince let out a rough laugh, watching with delight as Adora's face went beet red.

"Let me go," She struggled, heart, hammering in her chest.

"Seems like you're all tied up, princess." Laughing, he pulled her hands closer to him. While one hand pulled her arms closer, his other landed on her back. It pressed against the bare skin of her back, the presence of magic rising into the air. His fingers dangerously crawled down her back before settling down on her hips. His touch was heavy on her skin but it felt securing, unlike the cold touch she'd felt from other men.

"What do you want, you bastard?" Adora seethed but her emotions betrayed her. A deep blush crawled up her neck and wrists and his touch felt like fire against her skin. The Prince's lush lips curled into a smile, amusement dancing in his eyes. His fingers lightly caressed her hips, teasingly playing with the waistband of her pants.

"Just wanted to check up on my lovely wife," He chuckled, golden eyes glinting in the sunlight. Adora scoffed but before she could mutter another insult, she caught sight of several handmaidens giggling in the distance. They stood huddled together, giggling and laughing, pointing at the couple. Adora felt something break inside of her. In the heat of the moment, she'd forgotten about the act she was meant to play with the Prince. The act that made her his obedient wife.

"You could have told me we were being watched," Adora muttered, rolling her eyes. She placed her hands on his firm chest, attempting to push away from him. But the Prince resisted, his grip only growing stronger on her hips. With one hand, he pulled Adora's wrists to the side. With the other, he held her chin softly. Tilting it upwards, his golden gaze never faltered.

"That would have ruined the fun," He chuckled darkly. The Prince ran his thumb across Adora's chin, his face inching closer to hers. "Now kiss me, princess." He whispered, his hot breath tickling her cheek. A moment passed and all Adora could make out was the pounding of her heart in her chest. Her hands grew clammy, warmth rising across her cheeks.

But the Prince wasn't the only one who could play games.

"Make me." 


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