4 | alone against the world

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Wyld tilted his head to the side, watching with interest as the young princess stared him down. She looked like she was made of glass yet when he touched her wrists, she didn't shatter. Instead, she held her chin high, challenging his gaze. Adora of Kyree had a flame burning inside of her and Wyld wanted to unleash it upon the world. He wanted to see how powerful she could get.

"When is the wedding?" she asked in a small voice. Despite her gentle words, her voice bounced off the walls and created an echo. Wyld noticed that her hands were shaking underwater and he took a step back, giving her some space to breathe. He told himself that he should give her some time to adjust before she was thrown into the chaos of the Zylan court. Yet somehow, he found pleasure in watching her squirm underneath him. Watching the heat rise on her cheeks as he'd entered the bath had ignited a wild beast inside of him. He knew it would take more than a sparring tournament with Nyko to tame it again.

Speaking of his advisor, Nyko was the one who had suggested that Wyld ask Adora about her shifting powers. If he was going to fight alongside her, she would have to be confident with her magic for his plan to work.

"In three days." Wyld stepped back even further, watching as the princess's face twisted with disgust. Anger flashed in her eyes. For a brief moment, Wyld thought he saw her tattoos glow. They were so faint and there was no doubt that she hadn't yielded to her celestial form. "I want to get married as soon as possible." He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "To ensure your protection."

The Princess scoffed, shaking her head. Her jaw clenched, shoulders tensing.

"I don't need protection." She muttered. Wyld didn't have the heart to contradict her. Instead, he opted to leave her to bathe alone. Hopefully, it would help her calm down. If being Kyree didn't kill her, it would be her attitude. Wyld knew from experience that his father had an explosive temper and the Prince feared for Adora's life. Especially when she could be the key to winning the upcoming war.

Tension was rising between the Zylan and Khagan Kingdoms and Wyld braced himself for the dreaded news. For all 20 years of his life, all Wyld knew was war. Only this time, he knew his father couldn't prepare him for to storm about to come.

Wyld slowly rose out of the pool, grabbing his towel and tying it around his waist. Glancing over his shoulder, she caught Adora's fleeting gaze. Once again, her cheeks grew red. The Prince chuckled to himself as she quickly occupied herself with washing her hair.

"I had the servants bring in some clothes for you. They're on my dresser." The sound of water splashing came to an abrupt stop.

"Your dresser?" he heard her sputter. Wyld felt another smile creep on his face. As he turned around, he leaned against the doorframe, watching as an angry Adora stomped towards him. She swam over to the ledge of the pool, her brows furrowed and her lips pressed into a thin line.

"Oh, did Deus not tell you that you were sleeping in my room?" She shook her head, frustration etched on her face.

"He-" She gave up mid-sentence, arms going slack at her side.

The beast inside of him purred with delight.

"My bed is comfortable isn't it?" He chuckled, before turning back into his room. Once he'd stepped away, the sound of water splashing continued before it was replaced by the sound of feet padding against the tile. The Prince quickly slipped on some loose shorts, catching a flash of blue in the corner of his eye. The Princess entered the room just as he started to dry his hair, her body poorly covered by the gown she held in her hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he made out the image of her trembling in the cold.

Although Zylan's weather was typically warm in the day, this morning had been particularly chilly. He hoped it wouldn't be cold on their wedding day, the image of the princess shuddering in her wedding dress already plaguing his mind.

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