A New Crush

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James pov

I walked up to lily confidently thinking this is the day she will say yes. When I walked up to her a big crowd of students came.

"hey lily want to go to hogsmeade with me" I said without a care in the world.

"umm sure" she said straight away.

I was shocked. Everyone was shocked. Just then I saw regulus but he ran off when he realised I was looking at him or so I thought. I went back to my dorm happy. Why wouldn't I was going on a date with someone I had a crush on for years?  Something felt wrong about it but I chose to ignore since I was to excited.

That night I didn't get any sleep because I could not stop thinking about regulus. His pale skin, his black curly hair and his bright grey eyes. Stop I don't love him I love lily and plus he's sirius little brother I thought.

The week to hogsmeade weekend went fast but I got less and less excited as the week goes by. Tomorrow I was going on a date with lily.

"are you excited about you finally go on a date with lily flower tomorrow" sirius nearly shouted while bouncing on his bed.

"I don't know and stop jumping on your bed before it breaks" I said in an annoyed voice.

"fine and how don't you know you've been asking her out since first year" sirius stated while still bouncing on his bed.

"stop jumping on you bed before I mess up your hair" I screamed

"ok ok" he said while lying down.

A few minutes later I fell asleep later to be woken up at 4 in the morning by sirius.

"hey wake up" sirius whispered in my ear.

"what time is it" I replied back.

"4 am" sirius said while giving the clock a death stare.

"go back to sleep" I said tiredly.

"no I need to talk to you" sirius said while climbing on my bed.

"can't it wait till morning" I replied.

"it is morning" sirius said while giggling for some reason.

"will you leave me alone if I talk to you" I asked

"yes" sirius whispered.

I sat up and put on my glasses. "what do you want"

"do you know how you are going on a date with lily later" sirius said.

I nodded.

"well that means that you will be cheating on me" sirius explained nearly crying.

I started to laugh.

"it isn't funny" said sirius who was crying his eyes out.

"you will always be my favourite bitch" I said to try make him stop crying.

That moment sirius nearly killed me by hugging me to tight. I took my glasses back off and went to sleep with sirius hugging me like I was going to die today.

When  I woke up later that day I pushed sirius off my bed onto the floor. I then got out of my bed 'forgetting' I pushed sirius on the floor so I stood on him which was a huge mistake. He started crying like a baby.

"stop being pathetic" I said.

That only made him cry more. That woke remus and Peter up.

"why is sirius crying now" remus asked

"I don't know" I answered.

"yes you do" sirius said while crying his head off.

"What happened" remus asked to sirius.

"James doesn't want to be my friend anymore."sirius said

" that never happened"I snapped back.

"I know but it's obvious" sirius said while he was getting up.

"how is it obvious" remus asked

"he pushed me on the floor then he stood on me and called me pathetic" sirius replied.

"I forgot I pushed you on the floor" I answered back

"you pushed me on the floor 5 seconds before you stood on me." sirius basically yelled

"whatever I'm off to go get ready" I said not in the mood to fight

1 hour later we headed down to breakfast we would of went earlier but sirius spent 40 minutes on his hair. Another hour later I met lily in the common room.


689 words

Sorry this chapter is rubbish next chapter is about James and lily's date at hogsmeade. Have a wonderful day. If you have any ideas tell me and I will put them in a chapter. There will also be no wolfstar but they will be blackinnon because a lot of people write about wolfstar so if you want you can stop reading. By the way I write them then post them I do not read them because I find my writing cringy

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