Chapter 2- An idea

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"Good morning to all!" My roommate Ginna smiled, stretching.

"Good morning," My other roommate Ruth said.

I groaned, shoving my head under my pillow.

"Y/n, we have training today! You have to get up." Ginna, spoke in her always happy-go-lucky voice.

"Mm," Ruth agreed.

"Fine. I'm running off nothing. Don't push me." I grumbled.

"You've been asleep for 11 hours, dumbass," Ruth rolled her eyes. "You went to bed at like 6 or some shit."

"That's not enough. If I don't sleep now, I won't be able to sleep at all for the next week probably." I whined groggily.

"Seriously, Y/n, get up. You're going to get our asses beat." Ruth frowned.

"Okay! I'm going," I sat up to stand, and walked to my closet.

"She's so grumpy in the morning," Ginna pursed her lips.


I'm just grumpy in the mornings. When we were told to run ten miles this morning, I was not happy.
I did, however, get over it after the first five miles.

"Faster, damnit! Pick up your feet!" We were yelled at.

"Alright," I huffed, pushing past some of the others. I didn't want to be here, running. I wanted to be out there.

"Ergh," I tripped and fell onto the guy in front of me.

"Hey, sweet-cheeks. Falling for me already?" He smirked.

"No, you petty bitch." I stood, dusting myself off with a snarl.

"The name's Khris, actually."

"Did I fucking ask?"

"You two get back to running this instant! I won't hesitate in giving you both another 10 miles!"

"Aww, is baby girl mad?" Khris teased, lifting my chin.

That's it. I swung my fist at his face to distract him as I kicked my leg to trip him. He fell the the dirt and I pounced on his scrawny ass. I beat his face only once, quickly getting up like nothing happened.

"Cadet L/N! You best be going now. This will be affecting you."

I went quiet, sprinting ahead of Khris and our coach. These stupid bastards. Just leave me alone. It's not that fucking hard.

"Let's play a game!" One of the guys shouted as all the different groups chattered amongst themselves. "Let's see who can pop off the fastest!" He grinned and winked. "I'll go first, someone time me!" He yelled and ran to the bathroom.

After all that running, everyone was tired and wanting some fun after filling their stomachs.

"I'm not participating," I say straight out to Ruth and Ginna- in which they also agreed. "I might stay and watch though."

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Ginna laid her hand on my forehead.
"Yeah..? Why?"

"You actually want to have a little fun for once!" She smiled brightly.

I shrugged. "This is a form of entertainment. I just want to watch this dumb show," I grimaced. "It might get my mind off of stuff."

"But of all things, you're going to watch them have a masturbating contest? Odd." Ruth hummed.

*OH HOLD* The Night We Met Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz