Chapter 6- Painful Experiences

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I woke up with a massive migraine, and when I tried to open my eyes, I immediately shut them again due to the blinding lights.

"Well, good afternoon, cadet," A feminine sounding voice sang. "How's your head?"

I remembered everything that happened before I passed out, unlike other Y/Ns. My voice cracked. "That fucking midget," I huffed, grabbing the pillow that I could feel placed nicely behind my head and shoving the thing in my face. It was soothing. "It hurts."

A little snort sounded from beside the bed and hoof taps were all I could hear on the floor. A little head leaned on the bedside in front of my face. I took the pillow off of my face to see my little filly. I was about to be pissed until I saw the shavings on the floor beside me. I'm glad that Promise was here though. I began rubbing circles into her withers.

Hange chuckled lowly. "We figured you'd be upset if your filly got got hurt on this type of flooring so we-I put some shavings down."

"Finally, a smart one." I grumbled quietly closing my eyes, but not stopping with the gentle petting on the beautiful champagne. "Wait-"

"Awake, cadet?" The commander questioned.

I squinted my eyes in his direction to see him and the Midget Corporal. I sighed. "Are you giving me a punishment of some sort? Or are you just getting rid of me altogether? I'd like the latter if said punishment is severe."

He smiled politely despite my always shitty attitude. "Levi took care of the worst punishment for you already, but you could say I have another punishment for you I suppose. Cadet L/N, I do have an offer for you."

I frowned. "Just call me Y/N; I'm not into formalities."

"It shows," Levi scoffed.

Erwin sighed yet again. "Thanks to you, we had confirmation from a more reliable source that our 'Head Horseman' Walter Tigreas was using a fake illness in order to cut down on our broodmares. We're still determining why, but due to our loss of broodmares, we are very quickly becoming short on horses. We have suspicions that he may be on an inside mission of some kind to tear us down."

"Okay, lovely. And the offer?" I asked, quite annoyed.

"You seem to know quite a bit about them," Erwin gestured to the filly of which I was caressing. "You're still a cadet, but this needs to happen now. Help us get him out, and you take his place as the head of the stables whist being monitored by me until I feel comfortable otherwise."

"And what if I don't take up on your offer?" I roll my eyes.

"We'll take that filly-"

"Stop right there; I'll take the offer."

"Tch. Figures," Levi commented.

"Wonderful. We'll discuss more upon all of this later. Rest well, Cadet," Erwin exited.

Five seconds later:

"Get up, Cadet," Levi commanded.

"Levi, you may want to watch it. She woke up today and chose violence- against you specifically! Her first words this afternoon were 'That fucking midget!'" Hange nudged Levi, laughing their ass off.

"Not funny. Get up. Now. You're training with the two of us since you decided to skip training with your division, and as requested by Commander Erwin," He glared. "I will rip these sheets off of you if you don't get up. They need to be cleaned. This whole damn room needs to be cleaned- and everything in it, including you two brats."

       "Okay," I whined with my eyes shut. Promise backed away as I rolled from the bed and onto the floor filled with shavings. "Are these pine shavings? They smell amazing," I sniffed.

      Hange grabbed my wrist, pulling me to my feet. "Sorry to ruin the fun, Y/N."
      Their touch lingered a bit on my skin. I shook the feeling, suddenly uncomfortable.

     "Quit flirting with your superior, Cadet L/N." Levi called.

     "I'm not? I'm just uncomfortable with any kind of touching, Sir." I told honestly.

     "Don't call me that. Besides, I thought you hated formalities?"

     "Oh, I apologize, Y/N." Hange let go of my wrist, causing me to fall to the floor somehow.

     "Ouch," I groaned, turning my nose into the floor. Promise, who was lying on the shavings comfortably, nickered at my fall; I flushed a little, groaning a second time.

      "Okay, let's go," Levi said without a glance, walking out of the room.

      Hange reached out their hand of which I accepted, and I was pulled from the floor. "I'll try to keep you from falling this time around," she said as she wrapped a hand around my midsection, guiding my arm around their neck.

     "Thank you, uhm, Dr. Zoë?"

     "Just call me Hange."

     "Thank you, Hange," I smiled. "I'm sorry that shorty couldn't help carry my weight- not like either of you should have to."

     "Oh, no," Hange said as we slowly prodded along. "It's alright! And Levi was the one who carried you back last night. I get the job this time, and I can tell you all about my latest titan research!" They squawked joyfully.

     "Interesting, I'd love to hear it then," I grinned nervously.




So 😭 I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than the others, but I literally do not want to write one of Hange's rants, even as much as I love Hange. I mentally am not ready for that.


Okay, I love you, bye. Take care of yourself.
☀️🙂 ~~ AJ

*OH HOLD* The Night We Met Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin