chapter 22

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A/n: what have I've done!?



Y/n was walking around the hideout as everyone seemed to be in bad spirits about Lubbock's death, he has seen Najenda in Lubbock room sometimes having a smoke, Rin and Kai were allowed to join night raid temporarily due to the insight they had about the palace, Tatsumi hasn't left Mines side since the rescue, y/n was fine physically only real thing is probably the bandages that are going to be around his neck from Rin but mentally, he was overwhelmed feeling so many emotions at the same time and not letting it did something to him, but the strangest thing as Akame, she seemed to be preparing for something, he didn't know what bad a deep sadness filled her eyes so late at night y/n snuck out but was stopped by Rin

Rin: you're going after her aren't you?

Y/n: ...

Rin: look I don't blame you for what you did I think should be thankful...

This shocked y/n as the same gentle eyes once given to him by Nano was I Rin

Y/n: why? After everything that happened, you'd thank me?

Rin: she said herself, she'd rather it be you than Honest.

Y/n: what does Honest have to do with what happened that night?

**** flashback ****

Young Rin and kai spying on y/n as he eliminated the target he was sent to eliminate he was about to eliminate the last target until Nano made her way to the rooftop they were standing on

Rin: mother?

Kai: Nano what are you doing here?

Nano: is Y/n here?

Rin: he just went in to eliminate the final target.

Nano struggled to make her way to them

Rin: Is everything alright?

Nano: no I'm afraid, this is my last shot, the minister figured me out, I wasn't fast enough...

She rolled up her sleeve showing purple veins, figuring out what had happened quickly went to her aid

Rin: Kai quick get-

Nano: no, it's too late for-

Rin: shut up! Just hang tight-

Nano pulled her into a hug as tears ran down her face

Nano: it's okay, I won't let that sick bastard do me in.

Kai: y/n has entered the target's main room.

Nano: I can still save that boy from becoming a tool.

Nano pulled off the locket and handed it to Rin

Nano: be strong my clever little fox.

She then looked over to kai

Nano: you better take care of her.

Kai: I will...

Nano: both of you watch over y/n, he didn't deserve the life he was given...

Nano then placed the make back on her face but before she left she looked back at Rin who howling her eyes out

Nano: I love you, and I'm so proud to be the woman you become...

With that well you should know what had happened

  A Simple Bedtime story(akame ga kill X male reader )Where stories live. Discover now