Chapter 10

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Three years go by and William is missing Edmund heaps.
William was now 18 years old while the twins and Peter were 20 years old and caspian was 21.
Caspian told everyone they were going on a boat to go looking for something.
Getting on the boat they set sail.
A few days go by and caspian sees three people in the water
"People are in the water" shouts caspian.
Caspian,Peter  and William jump into the water . Peter gets Eustace, William gets Edmund, and caspian gets Lucy.
Getting on board William is hugging Edmund tightly and Peter is hugging Lucy. Everyone ends up hugging eachother besides Eustace is who screaming about how he wants to go back to England.
Everyone rolls there eyes and Lucy and Edmund go and get changed in different areas while  William goes with  Edmund.
They all come back and head into the captains room.

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