Chapter 15

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Williams POV
We get to a clear area where we hear voices.
All of a sudden they start to appear.
We all laugh at them since they were standing on eachothers shoulders.
Lucy then comes out with some guy and she tells us he owns the island.
We all follow him and he gives us directions on where to go.
We get back on the boat and start heading off.
We make it to another island and we split up, lucy,Noah,myself,George,Peter,Edmund and caspian head forward while everyone else stays behind.
They make it to a hole that had a rope going down. Edmund goes first, then I did , then Caspian,then Noah,then George ,then Peter and then Lucy came down last.
Everyone looked into the water and saw a Body that was gold. Edmund puts his sword in and it doesn't turn gold.
Edmund then uses his sword to grab a shell type of thing out of the water. He picks it up and inspects it.
All of a sudden Edmund starts yelling at caspian telling him how he should own a kingdom.
Lucy stops them from fighting and tells them to stop and they needed to leave. One by one they all get out and head back to the camp

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