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[They ride down an elevator into the heart of the workshop.]

Dream: Nothing personal, Wilbur, what you all do, it's just- it's not my thing.

Wilbur: The Man in the Moon says it is your thing. You'll see.

Dream: Slow down, would ya? I've been trying to bust in here for years. I want a good look.

Wilbur: What do you mean, bust in?

Dream: Woo! Don't worry! Never got past the Yetis. [One Yeti beats his fists together.] Oh hey Eret.

Wilbur: Keep up, Dream! Keep up!

[Cacophony of toy-making noise.]

Dream: Woah! I always thought the elves made the toys.

Wilbur: We just let them believe that.

[Slimecicle experimenting with Christmas lights]

Wilbur: Very nice. Keep up the good work! [Passes by a yeti working on blue toy robots.] I don't like it, paint it red.

[Purpled, the yeti gasps in frustration, turns to a whole shelf full of the blue robots, and slams his head on the table]

Wilbur: Pick it up everybody! [The two men enter Wilbur's personal workshop room.] Fruitcake?

Dream: Uh, no... thanks.

Wilbur: Now we get down to tacks of brass. [Cracks his knuckles.]

Dream: Tacks of-

[The door shuts and locks.]

Wilbur: Who are you, Dream? What is your center?

Dream: My center?

Wilbur: If the Man in the Moon chose you to be a Guardian, you must have something very special inside. Hmm... [He picks up a Russian Nesting doll that resembles himself.] Here, this is how you see me, right? Very confident, a leader... But if you get to know me a little... Well, go on.

Dream: [Takes off the first doll layer.] You are... downright jolly?

Wilbur: Ah! But not just jolly. I am also mysterious, and fearless, and caring, and at my center...

Dream: There's a tiny wooden baby.

Wilbur: Look closer. What do you see?

Dream: A-ah... You have big eyes.

Wilbur: Yes! Big eyes, very big, because they are full of wonder. That is my center. It's what I was born with: eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees, and magic in the air - this wonder is what I put into the world! And what I protect in children. It's what makes me a Guardian. It's my center. What is yours?

Dream: I don't know.

[Sapnap and his fairies fly outside of the nearby window]

[Technoblade and George come running up]

Technoblade: We have a problem. Trouble at the Tooth Tree.


[North Pole Stables]

Wilbur: Gents! [Clap clap] [Starts talking over Dream] Ship shape, as soon as you can.

Dream: Wilbur, I told you! I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I am climbing into some rickety old... sleigh...

[Sleigh and reindeer appear, with Yetis and Elves still making adjustments.]

Dream: Okay. One ride, but that's it.

RISE OF THE MCYT GUARDIANS Where stories live. Discover now