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[The streets of Burgess]

[Dream and George are flying after the Nightmare. Dream shouts excitedly.] Yes! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo!

[George mounts one of the nightmares and transforms it back into his own sand, as a Manta-ray.]

Dream: [Bounds after one, then freezes it to a rooftop from the alley below.] I got it! [He jumps onto the roof] George! George, did you see that? Hehehe! Look at this thing!

Schlatt: Dream? [Darts out of the way of Dream while he tries to shoot him with ice] You know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those losers. This isn't your fight, Dream.

Dream: You made it my fight when you stole those teeth!

Schlatt: Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth? [He notices George standing near him, looking cross, and jumps away with a start, then a nervous laugh.] Now this is who I'm looking for.

[George breaks out his weapon - whips made of his sand. Schlatt dodges the whips and brings out his giant scythe too. George catches Schlatt's handle and jerks him into the air, then down into the street below. Schlatt bounces off a car roof.]

Dream: Remind me not to get on your bad side. [They both descend through the air to street level.]

Schlatt: Okay, easy! You can't blame me for trying, Gogy! You don't know what it's like to be weak, and hated! It was stupid of me, to mess with your dreams. So, I'll tell you what. You can have 'em back.

[Nightmares surround Dream and George]

Dream: You... take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?

[Nightmares bray angrily. Beat of silence.]

Schlatt: Boo! [The Nightmares start to attack.]

[Dream and George start to fight them, but Wilbur's sleigh passes overhead, crashing into things. Apparently, Wilbur, Sapnap, and Technoblade keep dozing off due to the sand. After another scrape on the top of a building, they all startle awake again.]

[George uses his sand to burst into the air like a water-spout, dragging Dream with him, then tosses Dream away - ostensibly to protect him.]

[Dream knocks a few Nightmares away, but falls a little before Sapnap picks him back up and goes spiraling through some Nightmares.]

[Schlatt laughs as he directs the Nightmares]

[Technoblade jumps off the sleigh, attacking during freefall, before landing on the street to slash through some Nightmares with a sword. Then, he jumps back into the air to latch onto the sleigh, driving it while Wilbur attacks with his guitar from the front.]

[Two Nightmares come after Dream, so he just drops through the air and lets them run into each other. Another Nightmare attacks and he loses his staff, grasping for it during freefall before landing back on the sleigh.]

[George is all alone on his cloud, surrounded by a tornado of black sand that he keeps whipping to no avail.]

[Wilbur sits down on the sleigh again.]

Dream: We gotta help George! [Wilbur drives the sleigh in that direction.]

[Schlatt pulls the string of an invisible bow, using an arrow-head shaped out of black sand aimed at George. It hits George right between the shoulder-blades.]

Dream: No! [Dream launches himself off the sleigh towards George.]

[Schlatt laughs menacingly while George turns to face him.]

Schlatt: Don't fight the fear, little man. [Laughs some more]

Wilbur: Hurry! Hurry!

Schlatt: I'd say sweet dreams, but there aren't any left.

[George stands up, closes his eyes, and the swirling black sand closes in on his glowing yellow light, snuffing it out.]

Wilbur: Gogy?

Dream: No... NO!! [Dream races towards Schlatt, but halts in mid-air as he looks at the horde of Nightmares. They close in on him, but from where Dream is comes a bright green light that pushes back against the Nightmares. Dream clutches the staff forward and a darting ice-light ripples through the Nightmares. They explode into black sand like fireworks over the city, knocking Schlatt away with a scream.]

Wilbur: Dream! [Sapnap catches him as he falls, setting him down in the sleigh]

Sapnap: Dream, h-how did you do that?

Dream: I, I, I- I didn't know I could.


[On the ground]

[Schlatt watches the sleigh disappear into a portal in the sky]

Schlatt: [Laughs] Finally! Someone who knows how to have a little fun!


[The North Pole]

[Sapnap places a glass lantern on the Guardian symbol, where George's likeness is. He looks over at Wilbur, who shuts his eyes in grief. He looks over at Technoblade, who offers him his hand. Then he offers his hand to Wilbur, who takes it.]

[All around the symbol are other lights; the Yetis stand by, as do the elves. They nod their heads, making the bells chime, creating a dirge for the Sandman. Karl the yeti sniffs, and is comforted by Hbomb, another yeti.]

[Dream is not present. He's sitting off somewhere, hood up, by a window. He touches the pane and it starts to frost over, creating the same likeness of George as on the Guardian symbol. Wilbur approaches him.]

Wilbur: Are you all right?

Dream: I just, uh- I wish I could've done something.

Wilbur: Done something? Dream, you stood up to Schlatt. You saved us.

Dream: But George-

Wilbur: Would be proud of what you did. [Dream stands, taking his hood down] I don't know who you were in your past life, but in this life you are a Guardian.

Dream: How can I know who I am, until I found out who I was?

Wilbur: You will. I feel it - in my beanie.

[At the Globe, the lights are dimming.]

Sapnap: Look how fast they're going out!

Dream: It's fear. He's tipped the balance.

Technoblade: Hey, cheer up! [Technoblade leaps onto the console] We can still turn this around! Easter is tomorrow, and I need your help! I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!

[The four leave that room for the elevator]

Wilbur: Techno is right! As much as it pains me to say, old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas!

Technoblade: Hey! Did everyone hear that?! [Dream smiles knowingly at Technoblade]

Wilbur: We must hurry to the Farm. Everyone, to the sleigh!

Technoblade: Oh no. My Farm, my rules. Buckle up. [He thumps the floor of the workshop and a massive hole appears, taking the other three Guardians, two elves, and two yetis.]

Wilbur: AHH!

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