10 1 0

[The group is sliding down Technoblades's tunnel. Dream is surfing/skating, Sapnap is hovering along with the pile, while Technoblade is bounding ahead of everyone. The rest land in a heap at the bottom of the tunnel.]

Wilbur: Ah ha ha. Buckle up. Very funny.

Technoblade: Hehe. Welcome to the Potato Farm. [He sits up alert, turning towards the first tunnel - his brows shoot up, his nose sniffs.] Something's up.

[A horde of Technoblade's undecorated eggs come running out of the tunnel, so he gets into a battle-ready stance. Then everyone else does too.]

[Technoblade starts screaming first as he rushes forward, followed by the others. Tubbo comes running out of the tunnel from the inner Farm, screaming along with them until they all quiet down. He is holding some of the unpainted Easter eggs.]

Dream: Tubbo?

[The Guardians laugh nervously as they put away their combat gear. Tubbo stares blankly.]

Technoblade: What is he doing here?

Wilbur: [Pats himself down] Uhh... snowglobe. [Yetis murmur.]

Technoblade: Bruh, somebody do something!

Dream: Well, don't look at me, I'm invisible, remember?

Tubbo: Elves?

Sapnap: Don't worry, Techno. I bet he's a ~Fairy Fan~! [Tubbo gasps in excitement] It's okay, little guy.

Tubbo: The Tooth Fairy!

Sapnap: Ohh! You know what? I've got something ~for you~! Here it is! Look at all the ~pretty teeth~! ~With little blood and gum on them~!

Tubbo: [Runs away gagging]

Dream: [Chuckles] Blood and gums? [Wilbur shrugs] When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?

Tubbo: [Watches them expectedly]

Wilbur: We are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time... [Tubbo notices an egg decorated like a bee and chases it down] for children.

[Technoblade and Sapnap look apprehensive at Wilbur's statement]

Dream: Hm. If one little kid can ruin Easter, then... we're in worse shape than I thought. [Dream makes one snowflake that floats on the wind.]

Tubbo: Snow? [Tubbo abandons the egg and chases after the snowflake, which ends up on Technoblade's nose.]

[Technoblade's nose twitches, then he smiles with Dream's power's help.]


[The Inner Farm]

[Tubbo and Technoblade watch as a brand new white egg with feet emerges from a plant, walking and jumping around.]

technoblade: You wanna paint some eggs?

Tubbo: [Jumping around excitedly] Okay!

Technoblade: Come on then.

[An army of little white eggs with feet start marching down a hill.]

Wilbur: Jesus! That's a lot of eggs!

Dream: [Perching on top of his staff] Uh, how much time do we have?

[Tubbo is riding on Technoblade's back as they dart around the eggs]

Tubbo: Whoohoo!

Technoblade: Hoo-ooh!

[Sounds of more flowers dusting the eggs with their undercoat colors]

RISE OF THE MCYT GUARDIANS Where stories live. Discover now