Chapter 6

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I ment to post yesterday and I'd like to say it was because I was with my Valentine but we all know that would be a lie. Anyway enjoy! I am writing 3 endings for the book incase you where wondering!

Tommy continued to walk for what felt like forever. His head hurt worse than it ever had in his entire life. He had an awful stabbing pain in his abdomen. His stomach hurt so much. He couldn’t think straight. All he wanted to do was find a place to rest.
The sun was starting to set but Tommy could make out a dark tower in the distance. It looked a lot like Punz’s tower. As Tommy got closer he realized it was indeed Punz’s tower. Mustering all the strength he could, Tommy walked over to the tower and slowly climbed his way to the top.
He stood and looked out over the amazing builds everyone had created in the SMP and in L’Manburg. He saw his old house. The house that he had made his first time coming to the SMP. Oh how he wished he could go back to the time before L’Manburg and war and hate. 
Tommy sat down, still looking at the SMP. 
“I have to set it off Dadza! You don’t understand! You leave us for God knows how long and then you come back and have the audacity to tell me I can’t destroy my own creation! I’m a grown man!”
“Then stop acting like a child.”
Tommy turned around and saw Philza and Wilbur come into view. “How dare you.” Wilbur said, “I was never given the choice to be a child, you left too soon. I had to grow up very quickly to make sure that Tommy was okay and taken care of. Both me and Techno did.” Wilbur then turned to see Tommy staring back at him. “Tommy?”
“Please,” Tommy breathed, his voice was hoarse. “Leave me alone.”
“Tommy, you were supposed to meet me at 3! We don’t have a lot of time now! It can still be done though, come on!” Will turned to walk away but Phil stood in his way.
“Tommy is on my side. We are going to talk you out of this.” Phil said.
“No! He is helping me destroy it all.” 
“No, he’s helping me actually.” Phil and Will turned around and saw Techno standing behind them. “Come on Tommy, these withers won’t spawn themselves.”
“No! Tommy’s helping me.” Everyone looked as Tubbo stood up from climbing the tower. “You all should be more careful. I could hear and see you from the ground which means Shlatt could as well.”
“Is anyone around Tubbo?” Phil asked, sounding concerned.
“No, it was just me.” Everyone sighed in relief, but instantly went back to fighting. 
At this point Tommy had stood up and was regretting that decision. His knees were weak and his head was spinning. He almost fell over, but quickly regained his balance.
“Stop. Just stop.” Tommy said, in a firm voice getting everyone's attention.
“Tommy, you don’t know-” Phil started to say before Tommy cut him off.
“No! For once I’m going to talk and you're going to listen!” Tommy yelled. Everyone went quiet. Tommy was a bit scary at the moment. “All of you just assume you can walk all over me and because i’m young i’ll just blindly follow you into whatever thing you want to do. You're talking about the fate of a nation! I’m 16!” Tommy looked away and started to vigorously cough into his hand. When he moved his hand away from his mouth, he saw blood. 
“Motherfucker.” Tommy said to himself. His head began to spin and he stumbled backward trying to find something to grab onto, but the only thing he got was air as he fell over the edge of Punz’s tower.
“TOMMY!” was the last thing Tommy heard as everything went black. 

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