001 | London Underground

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You cautiously stepped onto the tube, scanning everyone's faces, and holding your bag safely. To anyone else you may have looked like a stuck-up tourist who thought they were going to get mugged any minute but you had lived Bermondsey for a good few years. You were brought up by your Aunts in Manchester, but once you left secondary school you moved to London for your coursework at university. You lived with your two friend Hira and Alex. They were both very noisy but you loved them truly. Still deep in your thoughts you heard a monotones woman voice telling you that you had reached your stop. You stepped onto the platform and fixed your posture. The underground was flooded with people rushing to work or
families visiting. Sighing, you plugged in your earphones and played your liked songs. Keeping your head down, you sped-walked through the crowds. It was just another day till a song you hadn't heard of came on.

Wasting your time
Wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
Fate worse than dying

You turned your volume up, intrigued by this unknown song.

Your city gave me asthma.
So that's why I'm fucking leaving
And your water gave me cancer
And the pavement hurt my feelings

What an odd song, you strangely

There's a reason
That London puts barriers on the tube line
There's a reason that London puts barriers on the rails

'What the hell?!' You thought. This song must be fate. You looked down at the name of the song

'Jubilee line'

You wondered what type of person would've wrote this song. Their voice was oddly soothing and you could listen to it for hours.

There's a reason
That London puts barriers on the tube line
There's a reason that London puts barriers on the rails
There's a reason..

They fail.

You realised this song must be about the suicides that happen on the underground. It's truly horrific how it's had to become normal for people who make daily trips. You hadn't realised you had arrived at your office block till you walked straight into the door. "What the!?" You muttered quietly. You noticed people start to walk up behind you, obviously trying to get into the building too so you pushed on the door, still embarrassed from the whole 'wall' incident. The man behind you cleared his throat "It says pull, what are you? Bloody blind!?" You shot him a filthy glare and pulled on the heavy door and stepped inside. Your body immediately soaked in the heat from indoors, drying you off as it was another rainy day in London. You headed to the flights of stairs through a door on the right and ran up the stairs to the third floor. You had never spoken to anyone in the office although you had overhead people saying that your floor had some of the best people. You noticed the door of the room a couple down from yours was open and boxes were sprawled across the hallway. 'What are they? living here?' you thought to yourself, the most people usually packed was a monitor and a couple objects , so resulting in about 2 boxes but this mysterious new comer had packed about 10! Nevertheless you walked into your own office, mind swarming with questions of your possible new acquaintance. You swore to yourself that you would make friends or at-least try to speak to this new person, whether you liked it or not.


A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I'm not really gonna have an update schedule for this so please be patient! Please vote and comment as I love to see you guys be funny 😏😏

London Boy // Wilbur Soot x Reader Where stories live. Discover now