002 | introductions

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Groaning, you bashed your head on the desk. Work was so fucking frustrating, your tutor was the worst. You got up from your uncomfortable, cheap chair Alex had bought you for your 23 birthday and grabbed your mug. You opened the door and took out your phone, starting to text Hira:

Y/N: hey, hru and Alex?

Hira: Alr babes, how's work for you? x

Y/N: shit, per usual, there's a new person though, I'm going try and befriend them :)

Hira: gd luck my fav Londoner, I've got your favourite drink for when you're home ;)

Y/N: I'm not really in the mood for hot chocolate sorry H, I'll make something for you and Alex when you get home though xx

Hira: I never said it was cocoa dumbass 🙄🤦🏿‍♀️

Y/N: oh!? Thought you'd been out in the rain with one of your multiple boyfriends and had gotten cold 😒😒😒

Hira: you little bitch!!! You're not getting any of Hira's special Capri sun cocktail concoction!!!

Hira: you little bitch!!! You're not getting any of Hira's special Capri sun cocktail concoction!!!

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Y/N: NOOOO, please! I'll be home in around 2 hours, k?

Hira: Whatever loser 🙄👎

You were about to open Instagram when you bumped into something, no, not something, someone. You looked up and were met with the soft face of an unfamiliar man.

He had round, black rimmed glasses and curly brown hair that looked soft to touch.

You rolled your eyes at yourself, 'Simp' you laughed at yourself.

You looked back up again and saw the unknown man looking down at you. You tilted your head and stuck out your hand.
"Oh, um, hey?" you laughed at yourself, the man's face turned pink, a slight blush displaying. "HELLO" he quickly let out.

You smiled sympathetically, he was obviously nervous.

"Don't worry, I don't bite" you scoffed and thrust out your arm again, hoping he would notice.

He did and reached out his hand to connect with yours, you both stood there for a while ,shaking hands, your hands quickly got sweaty and you mentally cringed.

He eventually smiled and took his hand back. You nodded and asked him "Where are you off too?" he responded with "Oh, I was going down to reception too see if someone could point me to the lunch room!" you smiled, "You mean the break room! Well I'm headed there too, I can show you!"

You started walking down the corridor again. "Come on idiot!!" you shouted to him. Immediate regret hit you. 'SHIT!!! What if he doesn't think I'm joking!?' you turned around fully to see him laughing and shaking his head, beginning to walk towards you.

(in the break room)

You bought some juice and he ordered a cup of coffee. You both sat down at a two-seater table. After getting comfortable you sighed.

"Oh fuck, I didn't even introduce myself!! I'm Y/N, how about you" you smiled at him. "Hah, it's fine I wouldn't have even remembered! I'm Wilbur!" He smiled back at you.

"Hey, um sorry if this sounds weird" he pulled a face (😬 with shut eyes) "but how old are you?" he questioned. "it's fine as long as you're not like, over 40" you laughed

"I've actually just turned 24 in December!" His face washed over with a mixture of shock & relief. "That's crazy! I'm 24 too, but a month older!" he winked and laughed.

'OH.MY.FUCKING.LORD DON'T SIMP DON'T SIMP' you thought to yourself "You okay?" he chuckled. "OH! ME? I'M-" you cleared your throat "fineeeeee"

He laughed again, and glanced at his phone. He groaned, "I'm really sorry but I've got to go stre- work! F-forrrr my company! yeah! um, Tescos!!! I'm a- a- CEO! Yep! The CEO of Tesco's" he nodded his head vigorously. You giggled nervously, sensing something was up but didn't want to push it.

"Okay! See you later maybe?" you asked. "Yep! See you later Y/N" he grabbed his empty cup, tossing it in the recycling on his way out.

You grabbed the juice carton in front of you and headed back to your office. 'He seems nice' you thought.

hey guys! Thanks for reading, pleaseeeeee don't bully me for making them shy I know you hate it but I'm trying to make Y/N just a little bit relatable in some way for everyone! Please remember to vote and comment!! <3

Word count- 717

London Boy // Wilbur Soot x Reader Where stories live. Discover now