003| noise complaints

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TW: none
You cracked your knuckles and stretched out as you finished typing your document. You saved it and closed google docs.

Sighing, you threw your juice carton into the bin, scoring it in. "Lets goooo!" You whisper yelled. You switched on your phone and looked at the time.


You raised your eyebrows, you must've missed everyone leaving, not that it mattered anyway, you were sure they didn't like you.

You hoped Wilbur was still there as you would've really liked to get his phone number.

You got comfortable and clicked on YouTube. You typed into the search bar:

"Jubilee Line"

and clicked on the top video, the intro music started playing.

You turned it up quite high, but just below full volume so that the computer wouldn't make that weird static sound.

Tilting your head back you let the music flow into your ears.

You had always loved music, you saw it as an escape from people.

You had never met anyone who didn't like some sort of music, if you like partying there was party music.

If you like relating to people there were always musicians like Melaine Martinez. You had been a huge crybaby a couple year ago, you went to her tours and had watched K-12 about 17 times until one day you wanted to expand your music taste more and stared listening to a variety of genres and artists.

The song was about halfway through when you heard a knock on the door.

"How loud did I turn this shit up?" You thought, getting up to answer whoever was about to complain at you.

To your surprise, you saw a very shocked looking, yet blushing Wilbur.


You thought, wasn't he the guy who made that song? It didn't matter, it was a cute name and you doubted your new friend was THE Wilbur.

"H-hey.." he stuttered, his face turning even redder. "Oh! Hey Wil, what's up, was my music to loud?" you asked back, a bit embarrassed you hadn't been aware of how loud you did turn it up.

"No, i- it's fine but w-" he breathed out and regained himself, standing up taller "who wrote that song?" he titled his head and raised one eyebrow.

You giggled nervously and grabbed his hand, leading him back to your PC.

He stood behind you as you lent forward to show him who had released the song, you felt him lean against you and you felt your face start to heat up, eyes widening at the sudden contact.

You pointed to the screen, his eyes following your finger:

"This guy named Wilbur, I only found him this morning but his voice, i-it's so beautiful. I bet he looks as good as he sounds!" You swooned and turned your head slightly to look at him.

He nodded his head and stood back, you frowned slightly, but quickly noticed him looking at you and changed it back to a smile.

Your love language had always been touch, so it was hard not to feel so loved and happy when someone was that close to you.

You stood up, facing him. "Sooo, what's up?" You asked returning to a bubbly personality after that intimate experience. "I just came to see you! Oh and um.. could I possibly get your number?"

I smiled in return, hoping for it to look reassuring and pulled out my phone.

I started to read out my number to him "+44 XXXX XXXXXX" you smiled finishing off and looking back up at him.

God he really was pretty.

He finished typing and looked back at you smiling.

"Wait, quickly text me, you know, just to make sure" you told him. "Alright!" He nodded and went back to typing. Just as he finished you got a text.

hey pretty girl :)

You wanted to SCREAM! 'How could he just send that and not be freaking out! I'm not even that pretty anyways how could he l-'

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up. You locked eyes with a smirking Wilbur.

You really hoped he didn't see you turning red. He winked and smiled at you.

You were too in shock to see him walking back out the door "see you later Y/N, and remember I mean what I said!" He shouted as he walked out, looking smug.

You just stood there in shock "BYE" you managed to squeak out.

What the hell just happened?

You started to pack up, needing Hira's special concoction after that.

You walked out the office and put up a spare umbrella you had found back in your office.

You started to walk home, the scene that just happened constantly playing out in your head.

Sorry it took so long for me to update guys! I'm trying to work on it but was waiting for a few more reads before continuing! Please remember to comment and vote! Thank you and take care!!

835 words!

London Boy // Wilbur Soot x Reader Where stories live. Discover now