New Year's Eve

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I don't own PJO or HoO characters or settings. I only own the plot.

Basic info: Nico + Hazel, set between HoO and ToA. Angst.
TW: flashbacks, Death

Hazel dug her toes into the sand as she sat down on the beach, watching the waves break. For someone who hated being in or on the water, she found the sound rather soothing, and it was a good distraction from her thoughts.

It was almost New Year's, the time that was always difficult for her. She and Sammy had so many traditions, including but not limited to sneaking onto the roof of his house and watching the stars. Every New Year's Eve, she still did this. But it was never nearly as much fun alone. She wasn't even sure if she would this year, the memories were much too painful.
It was coming up to 95 years since she left him to go to Alaska. A few tears slid down her cheeks, and she tried to hold back sobs. She had to be strong, and be there for her friends. Hazel knew this time of year was tough on not only her, but a lot of people.

"The diamond came with a curse." She heard Sammy murmur. "I never saw her again."
"I didn't... I didn't leave by choice, Sam..." she whispered. "I didn't leave you on purpose... I died-"

She cut herself off, trying to stifle her sobs as she saw her friends walking down the beach. They were laughing, Percy was in the water, flicking salty droplets at Annabeth. Will and Nico were hand in hand, as were Jason and Piper, and Leo was kicking sand around and laughing at something Jason had said. Frank was at Camp Jupiter, keeping things in order. He knew that New Years was hard for Hazel, and had given her time off with Lavinia stepping in as acting praetor so she could spend time surrounding herself with people she felt safe with.

"Hazel?" Percy's voice called from the surf, and Hazel flinched. Her cheeks were tear-stained, and her eyes red and swollen. Not to mention her scratchy throat, and hunched over position that made it clear she wasn't okay.
She mustered up some courage, willing her voice to sound strong and calm. "Yeah, I'm fine Perce. Just tired. Go on without me, I'll catch-" her voice cracked. "I'll catch up."

She heard a distinct splashing sound and Percy came closer. "Are you sure? You don't sound too good, Haze."
"Yeah, witch girl. Come join us, we'll cheer you up." That was Leo.

The nickname made Hazel's heart throb worse, Leo's uncanny resemblance to his grandfather not helping. "I said go, Sa- Leo!" She said sternly. "I'll catch up."

"Alright." Will's voice sounded. "Come on, everyone. Give her some space." Then Nico murmured something in his ear, and Will bent down to listen. The son of Apollo nodded, and Hazel's brother disappeared.

The group, sans Nico, kept walking and Hazel sighed, allowing the tears she'd been holding in to fall. She almost called Leo Sammy. "Schist..." she muttered, shoulders shaking with the effort of holding in her sobs. Why couldn't she have just stayed dead? Don't get her wrong, she was grateful for the second chance. And she knew that the main reason that Pluto told Thanatos to leave her alone was because she helped save his ass... but still. She'd done her job. Why was she still here, if not for her friends?

A cold hand on her shoulder made Hazel jump, and she hurried to wipe her tears.
"Did you really think I couldn't tell something was up, Hazel?" Nico sat down in the sand next to her, pulling his coat around him. "I know you, sorellina. What's been happening?"
It felt like her throat closed up. Hazel bit her lip, not trusting herself to speak. She didn't deserve a brother as good as Nico. With a slight shake of her head, she buried herself in his chest and tried to keep herself from crying and ruining his shirt. It was a button up, no doubt worn to impress Will.

"Hey, hey... Hazel, talk to me." Nico said gently, wrapping his arms protectively around her. He rubbed her back soothingly as she took a deep, shaky breath in, trying to calm herself. Oddly enough, this time it worked, and she gathered enough energy to speak.
"S-Sammy and I would always do- do this one thing on New Year's..." she started. Nico made a sympathetic noise, and held her tighter as she kept talking.

"We'd sneak out last curfew, often narrowly avoid getting caught by the police... I was always so scared we'd actually get caught, but he'd squeeze my hand and pull me along and I knew he'd make sure we didn't. We'd climb up on the roof of the stables, after petting all the horses, and we'd watch the stars as his little pocket watch ticked past midnight. My Ma was always furious the next morning when she found my bed not slept in, but it was always worth it." She sighed. "Always."

Nico frowned, deep in thought. After a couple moments, he stood up, holding out a hand to help Hazel up too. "Come on. I have an idea."
"Oh- okay." Hazel took his hand and stood up, not surprised when they melted into the shadows and reappeared somewhere else.
Examining her surroundings, Hazel gasped. "How did you-"
"Know?" Nico finished for her. "When you spoke, I think your mist powers acted up a bit. It formed a kind of image, crystal clear, where you were talking about. Under different circumstances, I'd be impressed, but the fact you didn't notice worries me. I'll ask Annabeth..."

Hazel simply nodded, eyes wide as she looked around. A stray tear slid down her cheek as she looked up at the night sky. Nico listened intently as she pointed out all the different constellations, each with their own original name that she and Sammy had made up, and their own stories behind them.

Bianca's constellation and Zoë's constellation, however, remained the same.

"Hey, Nico?" She asked, after a while of sitting in silence.
"What time is it?"
Nico looked down at his watch. "Just gone 12. Happy new year, Sorellina." He kissed her cheek, and Hazel smiled.
"Happy New Year, Brother." And Happy New Year, Sammy.

Based off a roleplay with @/deathx_xboi on instagram

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