Out of control

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I do not own HoO characters or settings. I only own this plot.

Basic info: Reyna x Hazel
TW: slight mentions of internalised homophobia

Hazel threw herself at the wall of solid rock that shot up from the ground, claustrophobia setting in as the earth shook and moved around her, trapping her in a small alcove of rock. Around her, the mist flickered wildly, creating images of scenes that Hazel had lived through. Dying in the cave with her mother? Tick. Getting bullied in the schoolyard? Tick. All her worst moments were being played out right in front of her.

The floor was littered with gemstones and rocks, that Hazel tried to clean up but only ended up summoning more. She'd lost all form of control, she could hear the rattle of skeletons moving around outside the cohort's barracks. She couldn't let the legion see their centurion like this. This was the sort of things people had been demoted for - demonstrating a lack of control. Especially since Hazel was one of the most powerful demigods, as a daughter of Pluto. People didn't trust her much to begin with. It was a miracle Reyna had allowed her to step up.

The thought of Reyna made her heart stutter and calmed her down slightly, but this reaction soon panicked Hazel more. She couldn't like Reyna that way... she was straight. Don't misunderstand, she was fine with people she knew being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. But the years of living in an extremely homophobic society rubbed off on her, and the thought of being bi absolutely terrified Hazel. More crystals popped up and Hazel's spatha flew through the air, narrowly missing her neck. A cry broke past her lips, and she curled into a fetal position instinctively, trying to block out the world.

Hazel had lost control.

The knock at the door barely registered with Hazel, but the voice of her praetor made her look up with glistening gold eyes that were puffy and red from crying. Tear tracks stained her dark cheeks. She couldn't let Reyna see her like this.

"Just a- just a second, please!" She called out in a shaky voice, wiping her tears as another wall of rock shot up from the ground, creating a lound crash as the lightbulb above it smashed and the room went pitch black.
A slight scream, and Reyna kicked the door down. "Levesque, what in Bellona's good name is going on?" She called, groping around to try and find something to grip onto. A wall the praetor was leaning against slid back into the ground with a loud thud, and she fell forwards. Hazel sobbed. She could have hurt Reyna.

"I'm sorry!!" She cried. "I'm so sorry, Reyna!"
Much to her surprise, the praetor sat herself down next to Hazel, dodging the rocks and jewels that flew around the room with a mind of their own, and wrapped her arms around the child of Pluto. Hazel leant into Reyna's embrace, ignoring her racing heart, and cried quietly into the praetor's chest.
"It's okay, mi pequeño." Reyna murmured into Hazel's ear. (my little one)

She blushed softly when Reyna started singing a soothing song in Spanish, feeling herself calm down gradually. Hazel made no move to leave the warmth of Reyna's arms, however, and was surprised when Reyna made no attempt to make her. The two girls stayed together, Hazel curled up slightly against Reyna's chest as Reyna ran her fingers through Hazel's wild cinnamon hair. Hazel smiled slightly. She hadn't felt this way since Sammy - safe. Calm. Protected. Loved.

The thought of Sammy, however, was enough to bring all the awful feelings back, muted slightly yet still there. Hazel began to tremble as she gripped onto Reyna, looking up apologetically to meet her praetor's warm brown eyes that shone with concern.
"Hazel, what's going on? Talk to me, pretiosum." (Precious)
The daughter of Hazel groaned slightly as she felt the earth move underneath her, guilt burning her stomach as she realised how much danger she was putting Reyna in. "I'm sorry- you need to go, run! I can't hold the floor... run, Reyna!" She cried.

Reyna squeezed Hazel's hand. "The floor isn't in danger of falling, Hazel. You're in control. Listen to me, you can control this." She continued to speak in a calm tone, trying to persuade Hazel that everything was gonna be alright.
It worked. "Thank you, Ra..." Hazel murmured, lacing her hand with Reyna's instinctively. She felt her praetor stiffen slightly, though Reyna never made a move to take her hand away. Instead, the daughter of Bellona leaned in, and kissed Hazel's forehead lightly.
"Feeling better, Haze?" There was a certain undertone to her voice that made Hazel's insides melt.
She smiled weakly. "Yeah. I am..."

"Can I ask what happened?"
Hazel blushed slightly, breath quickening with nerves. This was it - the moment Reyna realised how incredibly unfit for centurion she was and demoted her. There was no going back anymore. "I... I lose control of my emotions, sometimes." Hazel admitted. "And when I lose control of my emotions, I lose control of my powers..."
Reyna sighed quietly. "You're a very powerful demigod, Hazel. If there is a way to keep your emotions in check, I suggest you find it. And if you need any help, I'm here. Or, Frank should be there too..." the praetor's voice trailed off, and Hazel could have sworn she saw a trace of regret and... jealousy?? In Reyna's eyes.
"Frank and I don't really talk much anymore." Hazel said. "I guess he's been busy with praetor work... and Gwen."
At this, Reyna raised an eyebrow. "Gwen?"

"Yep. Gwen." She smiled. "But I'm okay. Actually I... I like someone else." Hazel said, with as much courage as she could muster. Self-hate aside, she couldn't ignore the way her heart sped up around Reyna. She couldn't ignore the way Reyna's voice made her feel. And she couldn't ignore just how hard she had fallen for the daughter of Bellona.

Reyna smiled slightly, gently nudging Hazel's shoulder. "Is that so, Levesque? Do elaborate."

Hazel responded by leaning up and connecting their lips. There was a small moment of shock, like Hazel hadn't expected herself to do that. Then came the panic... what if Reyna didn't feel the same way?
But when the Roman Praetor started kissing her back, everything fell into place.

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