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AFTER CAMMI HAD QUICKLY CHANGED INTO her other set of robes and sprinted to her first class, she began avoiding the boys as much as she could

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AFTER CAMMI HAD QUICKLY CHANGED INTO her other set of robes and sprinted to her first class, she began avoiding the boys as much as she could.

In the week after the incident occurred, the four boys started to acknowledge her. It took Cammi by surprise, but she was still embarrassed by their last interaction.

Lucky for her though, the four boys did not know her schedule. It made being able to avoid them a considerable amount easier.

The boys realised quite quickly that she was purposely avoiding them. They soon were able to pick up random things about her, like how they started to notice she didn't attend dinner about four nights into the week, or how she tended to sit as close to the door as possible in the classrooms.

The boys also were able to figure out her class schedule by the end of the week. They had never paid such close attention to something in their whole time at Hogwarts. Despite having all this knowledge on her, the boys could never get near her. Cammi would always find a way to dodge them and disappear from their sights.

The first time that they had tried to talk to her after the incident was in the classroom, but James was swiftly berated by Professor McGonagall. The second time was in a corridor on the way to their Potions class, but as they shouted her name and went to get her, Cammi quickly disguised herself among the other students in identical robes. Many more attempts were made to get the girl alone, but alas she managed to escape each time.

Although, one faithful Friday morning, as Cammi followed the girls in her Dormitory into the Great Hall and made her way to her usual place at the end of the table, the boys were already sat there, being their boisterous selves. Although Cammi was annoyed with the persistence of these boys and wanted to run away, she knew deep down she couldn't miss breakfast. Taking a moment for herself, Cammi took a deep breath in and sat down reluctantly.

Cammi started to slowly pile her plate with food surrounding her. Cammi had her favourites, such as the bacon, eggs and most importantly, the muffins. But, today the muffin plate, which held a pyramid of delicious, toasted muffins, were placed in front of one James Potter.

James Potter and Sirius Black were sitting on her side of the table, a few spaces away from her, laughing loudly about something Cammi wasn't aware of, nor did not care about. Remus Lupin was shaking his head at his two friends in disapprovement from across the opposite side of the table, but the amusing smile on his face showed his true feelings. Peter Pettigrew held a beaming smile next to Remus as he continued to chew his food with his mouth open.

Cammi watched the four boys and her heart panged, longing for a connection like those boys had for a singular second before Cammi scrunched her eyes and shook her head. Cammi knew that having friends would slow her down academically. Having friends would require having to spend time with them and Cammi didn't have a second to lose.

As of right now, Cammi was struggling in some of her classes, despite the year only just starting. She needed to study as this year was the OWLs. Cammi already knew that her parents expected the highest mark- All O's. All Outstanding. Cammi knew it was possible, her father and her grandfather had achieved this mark. Cammi feared what would happen if she didn't achieve their expectations this time.

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