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 September 1st, 1971

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September 1st, 1971

"GRAB THE TROLLEY, DEAR," Nero Orrock, asked his daughter. Little Cammi Orrock nodded, smiling widely and skipped happily towards the trolleys. She grabbed a trolley and strolled it back to her parents. Her father smiled and placed Cammi's trunk on the trolley and said, "Let's get you on a train."

Cammi held her mother's, Lucretia Orrock, hand as the family of three walked through Kings Cross Station. There were muggles everywhere, some with families or partners and some alone. Cammi's father sneered at them and called them harsh words under his breath. He didn't like muggles very much, he thought they didn't deserve to be witches or wizards, he told Cammi to stay away from them.

The family came to a stop in front of a brick wall. Lucretia leaned down and said gently in her daughter's ear, "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop, you won't crash. If you're nervous you can run. Ready?"

Cammi nodded and gulped nervously. Cammi was still scared. The brick wall looked pretty soiled and could crush her small body instantly. She looked up towards her mother, "Can you run with me?"

Her parents nodded and grasped a part of the trolley, then the three started running full speed at the brick wall. When they were close to the wall Cammi clenched her eyes shut, preparing in case they crashed, but a crash never came, instead there was a loud horn. When the child opened her eyes she saw the Hogwarts Express, Adult witches and wizards kissing their children goodbye and a paper bird flying around the station, dazzling young children.

"You're going to miss it! Hurry dear!" Nero rushed forward, taking the trolley from Cammi. Lucretia and Cammi rushed with him, seeing the time was close to eleven in the morning. He stopped at the closest entry to the train and grabbed the trunk off the trolley.

"Remember what we said. Send us letters at least three times a week, work hard, study, steer clear of mud-" Lucretia whacked her husband's arm. He cleared his throat, "Muggle-borns, and be sure to be in Ravenclaw! You wouldn't want to disappoint the family."

"What if I'm not?" Cammi's voice came out small as she talked. Her biggest fear was disappointing her family.

"You will be. You're an Orrock. Now get on the train." Nero reassured. Cammi smiled and hugged her parents goodbye and got on the train. Nero passed her the trunk.

"Love you!" Cammi shouted as the train started to leave. They shouted back and waved. As the train travelled further down the track to the point where she couldn't see her parents anymore, she started to heave her trunk across the hall, trying to find a compartment.

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