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Forgiveness. Forgiveness as common as this sounds it is actually one of the hardest things to do. So hard that people move around for years with contempt in their hearts because of forgiveness. This is whether you are the recipient or the one who needs to show mercy and forgive, there is always that feeling that would burden your heart.

The most hard part is forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself. This might sound easy but it is very hard. Imagine when someone has done you wrong, the way you start to reflect and think back to the situation replaying it over and over wishing that you could change a thing or maybe thinking of how you could have handled the situation better. As an after thought you may have solutions for the problems and at times you start blaming yourself about how you could have done better. Literally to move on from this you need to forgive yourself first. To move on forgive yourself first. To love again forgive yourself first.

Learn to FORGIVE YOURSELF. It is not easy but hear this, just try and then from this you will forgive others. It becomes easier to forgive others because you are at peace with your self. Inner peace plays a crucial role in your forgiving others. Do not be too hard at yourself and even after you falter; forgive yourself and move on.

You set yourself free when you forgive yourself.

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