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Dear child, your dreams are valid.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams; NEVER STOP DREAMING!"

My all time favourite quote by Eleanor Roosevelt slightly edited. When you dream these are possible and positive things that a person might yearn for and strive to achieve. Dreaming is a powerful tool that will help shape our everyday decisions, path and life.

"I had a dream," is a famous start of an iconic speech delivered by Martin Luther King which fuelled many Americans to free themselves. Because of a dream, his vision came to pass even after he was long gone. Because of a dream your legacy will become even after you depart and are buried 6ft under. Your actions now, your thoughts and your decisions now build towards that dream.

To become is to dream, to envision which is to see it in your mind before it materialises. Coupled by faith, belief and will power your dreams will come to pass. When you see it in your mind you can get it, work towards it and achieve it. Dreaming has no limits! You can be, you can do whatever and you can achieve absolutely anything you want to.

Your dreams are valid and they matter. They shape your hopes and your future. Whatever you do don't stop dreaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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