Part 8 ~ Laundry

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After I ate my pasta I headed downstairs so I could start the laundry machine, Quin limping down the stairs behind me.

"Do your legs really hurt that much?"

"Mhm" she grunted

"Damn, sorry"

"ITS NOT BECAUSE OF YOU-" she testified

"Yeah, mhm totally not" I teased

"I will push you down the stairs if you don't shut up"

I looked back to see that she had a toothy grin cheek to cheek. She was so adorable. We got to the laundry room and I started stuffing the machine full of clothes, then picked up one of her bras.

"You bought it?" I raised the black laced bra that I threw at her when we where shopping a couple days ago

"It's a nice bra, you have some good taste in lingerie"

"Sooo... when am I gonna see you in it?" She slapped my arm


"Oh shut up pissbaby" she hissed back at me

I threw it in with the rest of the dark clothes and started up the machine. I looked over at her and she was leaning on the dryer scrolling through something on her phone, I walked over to her and took the phone out of her hand and dangled it over her head where the couldn't reach.

"Clay, give it back!" She reached for it as much as she could but she's small.

"Can I have a kiss first? Pleaseee"

She leaned in to give me a kiss so I slowly lowered my hand, she grabbed her phone and swerved before I could get a kiss. She smirked then walked started walking away. I wasn't gonna let her get away though.

I grabbed her by her waist and lifted her up onto the dryer, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I kissed her.

"Clay cmon, not now" I let her go and headed upstairs, Quin behind me once again

That night Cam, Quin, our moms and I all decided to watch a movie in the living room, we decided to watch a horror movie. Quin and I just laughed hysterically at there bad acting and laughed even harder when Cam started hitting me with a pillow and telling me to shut up. When that started happening our moms joined in with the laughing too.

The movie was soon over at 10:30 pm so Cam decided to get ready for bed since she had school the next day. Quin headed upstairs to take a shower while I fed patches because it was my night to do so.

"So Clay, you and Quin are adults so I don't care what goes on between you two-" oh no where is this going "but I've caught you guys looking at each other with THAT look, so if you guys ever need us to leave the house at night or need to rent a hotel we'll be okay with doing so" she said joking, god she's embarrassing

"No mom, nothing is going on between me and Quin" lie "I'm going upstairs now goodnight love you"

I walked in to Quin's room and waited, and waited, and waited. I figured I would tell her I was in here so she wouldn't be creeped out that I'm just waiting In here. Her shower was taking a long time to I settled down into bed and scrolled through Twitter. Dreamnotfound was trending again. I said something about how George had "pretty privileged" or something like that on his latest stream so it was just clips of that and people saying George started blushing when I said it. It was so funny seeing people ship us. George, Sapnap and I all read this one well know DNF fic called Heatwaves and not gonna lie, it was pretty good.


My thoughts where interrupted by the door creaking open and in comes Quin. She was in a towel with her hair down and it was dyed black and cut.

"What did you do to your hair" I said

"Oh, it just happened don't worry about it."

"I don't care, short hair suits you anyways"

She had bangs that covered here eyes, her hair had layers and it was cut to just above her shoulders. Kind like a protagonist hair cut.

"Do you have any dye left over?" She looked at me and grinned, we where thinking the same thing

"Yeah... now orrrr?"

"Tomorrow, my parents are going out with Cam again anyways so they won't be home"

She went to her bag and pulled out some clothes and put them on then hopped into bed with me, we both fall asleep pretty quickly


I wake up and hear Clay

"Shit shit shit shit"

"what" I groan rubbing my eyes

"I was supposed to be a guest on sapnaps love or host and I was supposed to go on almost half an hour ago, I'm late" he got up and headed to his gaming room.

I walked in behind him and layed on a grey fluffy love seat he had in there, he turned on his pc and joined a discord call.

"Sorry guys, I fell asleep watching a movie" he started answering questions, asking questions, embarrassing Nick. I decided to tone it out since I was still tired.

"Sapnap and I have kissed before-" I hear from across the room, forgetting he's on a live I sit up and say "what" he mutes immediately

"Oh shit sorry I forgot Austin is live" I then hear from Clays headset "did I just hear a girl?" And "ooooo dreams got a hooker over, probably why he was late"

Last one sounded like Sapnaps voice.

"No, I do not have a hooker snapmap"

"Call me that one more time and I'll choke you"

"Ooo yes please daddy" wtf Clay, kinky mofo

"You freak" I then heard laughs from Nick, Clay joined so did Austin and the rest of the girls

Then I hear a loud "ELLO!" emerge from his headphones as Clay quickly turned down his volume.

"Hi Tommy..." he sounded annoyed already

I tried to fall asleep again using Clays words as my background noise, his voice was calming and reminded me of Minecraft obviously. I soon enough fall asleep on the couch patches now cuddling with my legs.


Words: 1057

A/N: next few chapters might take longer. School just got more busy and mental health is not the best because of school and Covid

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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