Raven Method Yuh

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uhm so this is before the thingy so this is the first method you will learn about blah blah blah uhm just enjoy i will say more info in the end YUH(this is a sleep method btw)

so uhm you also have to be tired for this and MEDITATE

so lay on you're back in a star fish position no limbs touching and close you're eyes and in you're head say 1 i am shifting 2 i am shifting and on to one hundred you can go higher and try not to fall  sleep while saying it and some people feel numb or tingles

hint:if you keep on falling asleep then just probally record you're self saying the affirmations in you're head and when you're done end it real quick 

a lot of people don't get it the first time sometimes the method isn't for them to there is a lot of methods to do  if you watch shimmy shay she tried it but shifted porposely.

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