heart beat method

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The heart beat method is pretty simple for people who likes imagining stuff and also if you don't have you're phone in you're bedroom at night then this method is not for you and again there is a lot of other methods to do.

Go on youtube and heart beat method for about 20-30 minutes and if you have a body pillow like horizontially and put it in the middle but if you don't have a body pillow or something like that then just put it under you're pillow and imagine laying on some one from you're  desired reality then when it finish imagine he is at the end of you're bed and asking are you ready to go to you're desired reality and as they put tnere hand out and if you're ready grab it then imagine him taking you to a door and at the end of the hall way you will see a door and the outside with a bright white light and you walk in it and you might end up in you're desired reality.

The end of the chapter YUH it's joe mama uhm idk.

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