Other Chronicle: Dark Descent

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The following is a delve into the mind of Admes Alaijin, which takes place one week after the events of Season 1.

I am not a man who forgets.

The virtues of all Eorzean's ring clear in my head.

Those who fight for the sake of Eorzea are people who wish for nothing more than a fabricated escape. They lie complacent, remaining too weak to battle on their own fronts while heroes of seemingly impossible legend fight their wars.

But they...They are not at fault. They relied on Hydaelyn for this mythos. They looked to their god for this undeserved protection.

Hydaelyn forgave those without power. She made it her mission to bless the ones she saw worthy to face all that opposed her star.

However, she refuses to remember what came before. Those who shaped Eorzea into what it is today have dimmed as quickly as they shone.

In truth, it all leads back to why I fought. What my stride led me too that day.

I wished to be the one to reignite the age of Allag.

I refused to let this star forget. I refused to let Hydaelyn and her people forget. But alas, as she had blessed those she deemed worthy of her love, she gave those who fought back against her a grave curse, while feigning to cast all we've done for her to the winds.

Now I lie in wait once again, treading amongst the sands of Gyr Abania with a flame bursting within my heart. I know where they lie...Where both of our grandest creations await their awakening. You will soon see again, Six...Four...

You will both see the awakening of Alexander...

You will both see the resurgence of Omega...

And then, they will all remember.

We will reunite. They WILL remember. But for now...Now...I will cleave the heart of the man controlling this nation from his chest. I will hunt Zenos Yae Galvus. I will be the only one worthy of this power. I will prove my worth to the Mother Crystal.

And Soon...He, Eniro...He will remember as well.

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